Illuminati .01% Endgame Plan: Create ISIS, Export ISIS as ‘Refugees,’ Horrific False Flag Terror Attacks, Martial Law, FEMA Camps for ‘Truthers’ …
- Illuminati .01% Endgame Plan: Create ISIS, Export ISIS as ‘Refugees,’ Horrific False Flag Terror Attacks, Martial Law, FEMA Camps for ‘Truthers’ …
by Carl Herman,
We Are Change with Luke Rudkowski walks viewers through recent news in this 12-minute video of “former” colonial powers using the Paris apparent false flag attack to “justify” policies of martial law. I highly recommend Luke’s outstanding analysis: (top of post)
Imagine yourself as an advisor to .01% “leaders.” Some version of the following advise is obvious:
“Your masterships: the downfall of corporate media and uprise of independent media reporting comprehensive facts means that your Emperor’s New Clothes deception is certain to end. Trending media data that your propaganda is being replaced with truth makes this outcome absolutely certain. What is not certain, my lords, is when the tipping-point will occur; but when it does, your reign of lovely evil will end as quickly as anything else slamming to the ground when tipped-over. In respectful summary, my masters, you are fucked. The only way to avoid your demise is to win a rapid endgame of multiple false flag terror attacks to implement the martial law you’ve always dreamed of to rightly control your sheeple. This opening might win enough support among the ignorant to demonize “truthers” (no offense to your demonic magnificence with that term, my lords), throw their asses into FEMA camps, and end their lives at your sadistic pleasure. Hail Hydra. Hail Satan.”
It could be worse; our .01% wanna-be masters may still believe WW3 is possible to defend their criminal oligarchy. Luke with this 13-minute briefing regarding this scenario:
- Evil only possible with the 99.99%’s consent: I agree with many colleagues that We the Peoplehave already won this contest because our hearts and minds have already reached this tipping-point, and are working forward in conscious recognition and expression. If the .01% rush an endgame, they only rush their demise because We the People will refuse to abandon basic rights, law, and dignity to arrest those of us working for the facts to be known.
We know in absolute certainty: Earth’s recorded history is dominated by empire/colonialism to dominate resources, natural and human, for the opulence of a .01% class, a ~5% minion class to directly serve the .01%, and the rest of us as the slave class to work as ignorant animals.
We know in absolute certainty: The United States today is the leading global criminal empire among the so-called “former” colonial powers; ridiculous in Emperor’s New Clothes obvious crimes for anyone caring to look at the facts:
* Unlawful and lie-began wars.
* Crimes Against Humanity for ongoing policy of poverty that’s killed over 400 million human beings just since 1995 (~75% children; more deaths than from all wars in Earth’s recorded history).
* So-called “money” that is actually debt that creates accelerating and unpayable total debt.
* Destruction of nearly all rights lawfully guaranteed in the US Bill of Rights within the US Constitution, and in Orwellian inversion of limited government.
* “Covering the crimes” with lies by corporate media.
These crimes annually cost millions killed, billions harmed, and trillions looted, with recent history continuing literal centuries of US lie-began Wars of Aggression that involved your families in two horrific global wars for colonial empire.
This quest for colonial empire merely changed names in the “Cold War,” and now under propaganda of “bringing freedom” and “fighting terrorism.” Consider these fully documented points that prove the “War on Terror” is a lie to cover for empire (for comprehensive history, I recommend this brief version, and this extensively documented comprehensive version):
* The US create Al-Qaeda to engage the USSR in a war of attrition in Afghanistan in 1979.
* The US overthrew Iran’s democracy in 1953, and backed Saddam as our “friendly dictator” for Iraq in 1963. When Iran refused a new “friendly dictator” after the Shah fled in 1979, the US backed Iraq’s unlawful War of Aggression on Iran from 1980-1988; killing ~one million Iranians.
* When Saddam began accepting currencies other than dollars for oil in 2000, the US began rhetoric for “regime change.”
* OIL (Operation Iraqi Liberation) was what the official name of what the US was doing in Iraq.
* When Iran began accepting currencies other than dollars for oil in 2005, the US and Israel began rhetoric to attack Iran for threatening Israel and their “nuclear program.”
* When Libya began discussing a rival African currency in 2009, Gaddafi was targeted for “regime change.”
* The US orchestrated a coup in Syria in 1949, with ongoing infiltration, and overt work for another coup since 2006.
ISIS is a .01% creation to incite fear against all Muslims (here, here, here), but never ever ever ever ever does ISIS state what would bring down the governments of the US, UK, and Israel: the Emperor’s New Clothes obvious truth that We the People would embrace and use to arrest our own would-be emperors: ongoing unlawful wars, fundamental fraud to call debt as “money,” and continuous corporate media lies.
read more.