Are American Politicians Gearing Up For WWIII?
Published on Nov 11, 2015
Hillary Clinton shares a dream for America with every GOP candidate but one, Rand Paul. That dream is the nightmare scenario of a direct confrontation with Russia in order to stop them from attacking ISIS. Only Rand Paul pointed out that they are advocating shooting down Russian jets and starting WWIII.
Ben Carson engraved a Bible verse on humility next to the shrine he created to himself, misspelling “Proverbs” as “poverbs”. Yet he would have us believe that he supports the trade & global governance treaty (TPP) crafted in secret by multinational corporations because he read it in 24 hrs. A treaty 3x’s the size of the Bible, but he can’t even catch spelling errors engraved on his wall. All you need to know about Carson is that he loves the status quo and is connected with the power brokers who run it like Janet Yellen, his friend from Yale. An insider masquerading as an outsider.
Even in states that have legalized medical marijuana, the VA punishes those who don’t use Big Pharma drugs with loss of benefits. But other veterans face long prison sentences for their choice of medication. And Joe Biggs shares his personal perspective on how veterans are treated.