Why Did The U.S. Launch A Nuclear Missile That Would Be Visible From L.A. Without Any Warning?
[vimeo https://vimeo.com/145029572]
- Why Did The U.S. Launch A Nuclear Missile That Would Be Visible From L.A. Without Any Warning?
by Michael Snyder, http://endoftheamericandream.com/
Was the U.S. government trying to send a message to someone on Saturday night? Just after sunset, an unarmed Trident II nuclear missile was fired from a ballistic missile submarine just off the coast of southern California that was later identified as the USS Kentucky. It was the absolutely perfect time to attract the attention of millions of people living in the Los Angeles area. If it had been fired during the day, the missile would have been far less visible. If it had been fired in the middle of the night, most residents of southern California would have been asleep. Those that planned the firing of this nuclear missile knew that it would be seen by hundreds of thousands of people and that it would make headlines all over the planet. So why was this done?
When the U.S. military established a no-fly zone west of Los Angeles for a week, it raised the eyebrows of many. But nobody expected this.
The unarmed Trident II missile that was fired from the USS Kentucky normally carries a nuclear warhead, and this launch was so visible that it could even be seen by people living in Arizona and Nevada…
The event was seen in Northern California (Santa Rosa) and as far east as Nevada and Arizona (though it was very low to the western horizon from there). This shows just how high up the missile must have been; a couple of hundred kilometers at least, I’d think. It was seen west of Los Angeles, moving roughly south to north. That too makes sense; it was probably launched from the ocean hundreds of kilometers west of LA, sent to the north, away from populated areas. I’m not sure why they didn’t do this even farther west, where no one would see it, but I assume the military has their reasons.
Once the missile was launched, photographs and videos of this strange phenomenon were very quickly posted on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Others alerted law enforcement agencies and their local news stations.
Nobody knew exactly what was going on, but everyone seemed to recognize that this was not normal. The following comes from a report that was posted on CNN…
Panic and speculation spread Saturday night when a bright white light shot through the night skies in Southern California. Residents posted a flurry of videos on social media, together with theories of aliens or meteors. Others made panicked calls to law enforcement officials.
Today the Navy is trying to assure all of us that this was perfectly “normal”, but very few people are buying that explanation.
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