FedRes Warns NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES! World Currencies Death Sentence!
- Negative interest rates will spell the end of the banking and financial system. Banks cannot survive when they lend money out at zero percent or negative interest rates. Thus, they will not extend new loans and they will contract existing loans portfolio. When interest rates turn negative, banks will lose money on their existing loan portfolios. They will find ways and means to recall their loans. This will apply pressure on the economy to contract. Since the banking system essentially exist to provide financing (ie. loans using deposits) to the economy, there is no longer a financing role for them in the economy.
– - When interest rates turn negative, it no longer make sense to deposit your money in the banks since you are paying interest to the banks. Negative interest rates are inflationary. People will exchange their cash, money, savings …. into hard assets to preserve their value. In a time of hyperinflation, hard assets like physical gold/silver will see spectacular gains. Carried to its logical conclusion, negative interest rates spell the end of fiat currencies. Got physical gold/silver yet?
– - Negative interest rates spell the end of the banking system. It is, IMO, in the interest of Illuminist banksters to protect themselves. Ie. the FedRes, IMO, will eventually raise the interest rates and it will collapse the economy but save the TBTF banks.