First China, Now Russia: US Navy Chief Debates European Escalation Amid “Fears For The Global System”

- In layman’s term: the global hegemony of the west is collapsing, the western financial system is collapsing, the world reserve currency, the petrodollar, is collapsing … this means war ie. WW3! The western Illuminati will trigger nuclear WW3 to attack their enemies: China, Russia and the BRICS alliance, to protect their global hegemony. No other option left.
– - First China, Now Russia: US Navy Chief Debates European Escalation Amid “Fears For The Global System”
by Tyler Durden,
In a shockingly quick confirmation of our gravest concerns, Admiral John Richardson, chief of naval operations, told The FT that the navy was reassessing its global posture in the face of the Russian activity, which stretches from the Black Sea and Mediterranean to the Pacific. Amid China’s island-building in the South China Sea (30% of global trade), and Russia’s highest level naval activity in 20 years in The Mediterranean (20% of global trade), Richardson warns, rather ominously, the“ambiguous motivations” of China and Russia raised fears about the health of a global system that ensures freedom: “It again perturbs that global system,” he said, adding that “the current model… has been threatened?”
As we warned just yesterday,
What happens next? A very likely course of events is that despite Russia’s denials, the Pentagon will use the gambit of a Russian ground campaign, credible or not, to get permission from Congress to send a “small”, at first, then bigger ground force of US troops in Syria to, you guessed it,“fight ISIS”, but really to do everything to prevent Russian troops from taking over key strategic positions.
What happens then? Well, with the previously discussed Russian naval blockade of Syria as a likely next step, and with both US and Russian warplanes already flying back and forth above Syria, and now both superpowers having a legitimate, if only in the eyes of their own media, justification to dispatch land troops, what was until now a mere proxy war is about to become full blown land combat on Syrian soil, one which will soon involve both Russian and US ground, sea and airborne forces.
The last missing step will be when US cruisers, destroyers and/or battleships park next to the Syrian coastline, within earshot (and every other “shot”) away from comparable Russian warships. Keep tabs on the weekly US naval update, because once several US warships weigh anchor in the vicinity of Syria that will be the catalyst for the next and final escalation.
And sure enough, as The FT reports, The US is debating whether to position more ships and naval assets in Europe as Russian warships and submarines operate at levels not seen in two decades, according to Admiral John Richardson, the new chief of naval operations.
As we concluded previously, with the US Navy parked so close, the world will be one false flag away from what some could call another world war, only this time one launched not in Serbia but Syria.
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