The Latest NYTimes Propaganda Piece On Syria
- The Latest NYTimes Propaganda Piece On Syria
by Stephen Lendman(Jew),
The Times is a virtual US administration/Pentagon house organ. Its articles read like imperial press releases, real journalism entirely absent, making sensationalist tabloid operations look good by comparison.
It’s latest propaganda piece headlined “US Aims to Put More Pressure on ISIS in Syria” – polar opposite its agenda, ISIS and other takfiri terrorists its proxy army battling Assad, what Times editors, columnists, correspondents, and contributors disgracefully suppress, what’s vital to report.
The Times claiming Washington and rogue allies are “preparing to open a major front” against ISIS in northeastern Syria is a bald-faced lie, the latest willful deception from America’s so-called “newspaper of record” – its leading lying machine, deliberately betraying its readers.
“President Obama last week approved two important steps to set the offensive in motion over the coming weeks, officials said. Mr. Obama ordered the Pentagon, for the first time, to directly provide ammunition and perhaps some weapons to Syrian opposition forces on the ground,” said The Times.
“He also endorsed the idea for an increased air campaign from an air base in Turkey, although important details still need to be worked out.”
Fact: All Syrian opposition groups are extremists, terrorists, no so-called moderate elements exist, or enough to matter. Claims otherwise are a ruse.
Fact: Any increased US air attacks will continue waging war on Syria, supporting ISIS and other terrorist ground forces.
“As recently as Friday, Mr. Obama said he would take all steps necessary to combat the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq. The new approach relies on Arab fighters whose commanders have been screened by American forces and Kurdish fighters who are more battle-tested and whose loyalties Washington can count on,” said The Times.
Fact: The so-called “new approach” is the same old dirty one, apparently intending to be stepped up, aiming for more death and destruction, harming ordinary Syrians most, assuring continued human floods seeking safe havens, many wanting refuge in Europe.
How long EU countries most affected will put up with Obama’s war remains to be seen – its refugee flood straining their ability to cope, measures taken so far wholly inadequate, a bandaid over a festering wound.
Obama is a serial liar, again over the weekend, telling reporters “(t)he top line message that I want everybody to understand is, we are going to continue to go after ISIL. We are going to continue to reach out to a moderate opposition.”
False!! His agenda is polar opposite. Instead of explaining it, The Times reported it like gospel – deliberately deceiving its readers.
It claimed “(s)enior administration officials say the new offensive holds promise and may change the dynamics on the ground.”
After four-and-a-half years of Obama’s all-out campaign to oust Assad, short of bombing Damascus and sending in hordes of US troops, conflict was largely stalemated until Russia intervened.
It’s only in day six so too early to know it its campaign is decisive. But it’s already made a difference. ISIS and other terrorist are panicking, US policy in disarray, frantic to come up with Plan B – for the first time facing a formidable adversary, Putin committed to defeat the scourge of terrorism Washington created, first in Syria, perhaps Iraq next.
The Times repeated the Big Lie circulated by Obama and neocons infesting his administration, claiming Russian operations are “directed largely at Syrian groups that oppose President Bashar al-Assad…”
Fact: It targets all terrorist elements in Syria. So-called moderates or rebels are misnamed. They’re all imported cutthroat killers, US foot soldiers against Assad and the Syrian population.
The Times marches in lockstep with US imperial policy – supporting its ruthless agenda, irresponsibly bashing Putin’s efforts for peace and stability instead of offering high praise.
read more.