Warren Pollock: Global Economy Imploding Now. BRICS Hit Brick Wall & WWIII Breaks Out
- Warren Pollock: BRICS Hit Brick Wall & WWIII Breaks Out
by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
Warren Pollock warns the global economy is headed for a brick wall. Pollock explains, “It’s good you are using the term brick because that’s the part of the economy which is crashing first, the emerging markets, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). That’s on the edge of empire, and now it is imploding inward. So, we can look at all of these peripheral economies, and that’s where the crash has occurred right now. When you talk about crash and people asking, ‘When is this going to happen?’ It’s happening right now, but it is not happening at the center of empire, it’s happening on the extremities of empire. These emerging markets, these miracle economies, the few countries in the world that had productive economies, they’ve hit a brick wall. They’ve crashed. China has crashed. When you look at Brazil–crash. When you look at Russia–crash. When you look at oil prices–crashing now. People keep asking when is this blowing up? And the answer is it’s blowing up right before your eyes right now, this minute. The domestic indicator is the declining velocity of money.”
So, when does the U.S. start seeing the crash? Pollock, who also has deep Wall Street experience, says, “We are seeing it now as a slow fester. We are seeing it now in this captured economy where prices are not allowed to go down. Some elements of deflation would be a real stimulus for the economy. That would mean giving savers a real return on their money instead of stealing from them. If you had $1 million worth of savings eight years ago, the government has stolen between $500,000 to $800,000 from you. . . . The future is being stolen away from you, and the end result is going to be war.”
On the 2016 election cycle, Pollock says, “This thing is a bread and circus clown show. They are there to provide you with entertainment as the velocity of money goes down, as the BRICS hit a brick wall, and as the first part of World War III breaks out in the Middle East between Sunni and Shia.”
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