Born Again Babylon: U.N. Plan To Bring in Luciferian Global State
“The goal … is to reduce the world’s population as fast as possible from seven billion to 500 million.” – Quote
- Emphasis mine:
- Born Again Babylon: U.N. Plan To Bring in Luciferian Global State
by Paul McGuire, September 21, 2015,
From September 25 – 27th 2015 the United Nations will present its new fifteen-year plan entitled “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” Pope Francis will attend to proclaim The Gospel of “Sustainable Development,” and world leaders and the heads of powerful Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) will organize a planetary transformation so monumental that Nimrod would be proud. This UN plan masquerades as global movement that will end poverty everywhere on Earth through “sustainable development,” “social justice,” and “equal rights to economic resources.”
How do the elite globalists plan to do this? They are going to do it with socialist/Marxist wealth redistribution where through the force of “sustainable development” laws they are going to continue transferring the wealth of the hard working middle class in America and other nations to the “poor.”
Let’s really look at who owns the wealth on planet Earth right now. An organization named Oxfam, which is devoted to educating people about this disparity in wealth recently released information that by 2016 the elite and the very wealthy will own 99 percent of the global wealth. The combined wealth of the richest one percent will overtake that of the other 99 percent of people next year …
So if it is the 1% who own 99% of the world’s wealth and the middle class and poor own only 1% of the world’s wealth, than why is it that the hard working American middle class are the target of Pope Francis and the U.N. programs for wealth redistribution? … All the “sustainable development,” “global warming” rules, taxes, laws, and restrictions, many of which are really coming from the United Nations, are designed to further lower the standard of living of the middle class so that soon there will just be one giant lower class and a super-upper class. The elite literally live like the richest kings and queens of the world’s greatest empires in ancient times and they are not bound by the same laws and restrictions the middle class is. … Agenda 21, which was promoted as a means of protecting our environment, building a better world and bringing in social justice, the exact opposite has happened. Agenda 21 over the last 23 years has created untold economic hardship, mass starvation and disease outbreaks, and has aggressively destroyed economic prosperity for billions of people all over the world.
Did the elite, scientists, politicians, social engineers, and the United Nations simply miscalculate, or was this part of the plan all along? The reality is that the true purpose of Agenda 21, “sustainable development” and now “Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” was never really about making things better. … The real agenda of the globalist elite through all these “sustainable development” and “social justice” programs is to create a new global feudal state or a scientific dictatorship run by the elite. The goal in their own words and documented writing, which we spent seven years putting together in writing The Babylon Code, is to reduce the world’s population as fast as possible from seven billion to 500 million. In order to do that the elites need to create mass starvation food shortages, water shortages, plagues, and nuclear wars, and destroy people’s ability to make a decent livelihood. This may be problematic for some readers, but if you read the original writings of men like H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, Bertrand Russell, and others, they spelled out this exact game plan over 50 years ago. Remember these people do not believe in God; they do not believe in right and wrong; and many are involved in various forms of satanic worship. They believe in pure social Darwinism where “might makes right.”
The United Nations is a de facto global government and does not rule by the “consent of the governed.” The United Nations is a global government to which American politicians of both parties have surrendered our Constitutional rights. If you look at the Republican Presidential debates you see the vast majority of those running are “bought men and women.” They are there to do the bidding of their true masters, the international banking families and their interlocking secret societies.
Who are these powerful elite groups and the secret societies that run them? As we extensively document in our new book, The Babylon Code, … there exists a very real network of semi-secretive and secret groups. Groups like The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs, United Nations, Club of Rome, The Bilderberg Group, and others control presidents, prime ministers, media networks, politicians, CEO’s, and entire nations. You will almost ever hear any substantive analysis by the media, which is controlled by these groups nor of attempts at holding them accountable by governments around the world.
But when you investigate the nature, organizational structure, financing, and belief systems of the elite who control these groups, you discover overwhelming factual evidence, ... that these groups are controlled by powerful secret societies with very real occult and Luciferian beliefs. The existence of these secret societies and their multi-generational occult and Luciferian beliefs is concealed from the masses by the people controlling the media, education, politics, art, entertainment, and religion.
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