Bill Holter: The FedRes Has Lost Control. The Only Thing that Remains is a Reset
- Bill Holter: The FedRes Has Lost Control. The Only Thing that Remains is a Reset
by Greg Hunter’ (Early Sunday Release)
Financial writer Bill Holter contends the recent announcement of the Federal Reserve not to raise rates means the “Fed has Lost Control.”Holter explains, “Whatever the Fed does is wrong. The reason I say that is because no matter what they do, they can’t fix what they have already done. There is no policy at this point that can repair where we are at this point as far as debt ratios, derivative outstanding and the money supply exploding. Nothing that they do now can fix it. The only thing that remains is a reset.”
In the reset, Holter contends, “All debt will be impaired. . . . A reset is going to be a shutdown of the system. Everything will stop. When you are talking about bonds being impaired, you are probably going to see that start or begin in the derivatives market. The derivatives is the tail that has been wagging the dog for years. Derivatives are leverage, and you can use that leverage to control prices. If they can put $1 down and control $100, you can pretty much control the price of an asset, and that’s what they have done. They have supported stocks. They pushed interest rates down and supported bonds. They have suppressed gold and silver prices. They were able to paint a picture using derivatives with 100 to 1 or more of leverage, and when they lose control, that derivative chain between bank A, B, C and D is going to snap. When it snaps, the music stops and everything is going to stop. Once something does break, I don’t think it will take much more than 48 hours for you to wake up in the morning and find that nothing works. Your credit card doesn’t work. Your debit card doesn’t work. You go to your bank and the ATM doesn’t work, and nothing is going to work. The entire financial system will shut down. The reset will be the reopening. It’s not the closure that will kill you, it’s going to be the reopening. In the reopening, everything is going to be revalued. How long will it take to reopen? I have no idea. It could be a week, two weeks, one month, two months or six months. Who knows, but the financial landscape is going to look different, and values will be unrecognizable.”
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