Mark Spitznagel Warns: If Investors Thought August Was Scary, “They Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet”

- Mark Spitznagel Warns: If Investors Thought August Was Scary, “They Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet”
by Tyler Durden,
The man who made a billion dollars on Black Monday sums up his strategy perfectly in this excellent FOX Business clip with the money-honey, “I’m a hedge fund manager that actually hedges for his clients. This is something of an old fashioned idea in this day of just gambling on the next Fed bailout.”Spitznagel, who is wholly unapologetic in his criticism of The Fed (and any central planner), unleashes eight minutes of awful truthiness on what is going on under the surface of the so-called ‘market’, concluding ominously, “if August was scary for people, they ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”
Some key excerpts:
… On the Great Myth of centrally planned economies..
“Great myths die hard. And I think whatwe’re witnessing today is the slow death of one of the great myths of human history: this idea that centrally planned command economies work, that they’re even feasible, and that they can be successful.
It’s one of these enigmatic mythologies of the last hundred years in particular that we’ve been grappling with, and here we are today yet again thinking about this. Let’s remember that in the last hundred years a lot of blood has been shed over this mythology. And here we are today, how did we get here again?
read more.