It Begins: Australia’s Largest Investment Bank Just Said “Helicopter Money” Is 12-18 Months Away

- It Begins: Australia’s Largest Investment Bank Just Said “Helicopter Money” Is 12-18 Months Away
by Tyler Durden,
Just over two years ago, when the world was deciding who would be Bernanke Fed Chair replacement, Larry Summers or Janet Yellen (how ironic that Larry Summers did not get the nod just because a bunch of progressive economists thought he would not be dovish enough) we wrote about a different problem: with the end of QE3 upcoming and with the inevitable failure of the economy to reignite (again), we warned that there remains one option after (when not if) QE fails to stimulate growth: helicopter money.
Today, one day after the Fed according to some finally lost its credibility, none other than Australia’s largest investment bank, Macquarie, just made the case that helicopter money is not only coming, but has a “very high” probability of commencing its monetary paradrops over the next 12-18 months.
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