History Is About To Repeat Itself, The FedRes Just Made The Same 1927 Mistake
- Published on Sep 18, 2015
UK, Asia and the US markets all are down on the announcement of the FED. Bank of England pushes negative interest rates and a ban on cash. Qualcomm is laying of 1300 employees. The devaluation in the yuan will mean fewer purchases in real estate. Martin Armstrong the FED just made the same mistake they did in 1927. The FED is now losing its credibility. Duestche bank is now leaving Russia while its under criminal investigation. Nigeria tells its people not worry as cash dries up. Obama wants 8 million immigrants to become citizens to boost Obamacare.
– - FedRes Makes Same Mistake as It Did in 1927
by http://www.armstrongeconomics.com/
The Federal Reserve yielded to international pressure, making the very same mistake that it made during 1927. Back then, there was a secret meeting and the Fed agreed to lower U.S. rates to try to help Europe to deflect capital inflows back to Europe. The exact opposite unfolded in the aftermath when even more money abandoned Europe and flowed directly into the U.S. share market.
In 1927, the Fed lowered U.S. rates in the middle of an economic debt crisis, which is the same path taken today. It is very curious how history repeats. We have just witnessed the Fed yield to international pressure once again. In doing so, they are condemning the elderly and U.S. pension funds to financial doom by setting in motion the next financial crisis.