This May Be Headed For World War Three

- This May Be Headed For World War Three
When everything else fails, start a war…
I’ve always said that the U.S. Government would start a World War when it was pushed to the brink of having to disclose that fact that it no longer has any gold and that the U.S. financial and economic system is nothing but one massive Ponzi scheme that rests on an unaccountably enormous maze of derivatives, debt and fraud. We saw evidence of no gold in the cupboard when the Fed failed to deliver on Germany’s request for immediate repatriation of over 600 tonnes of gold. That saga is still being written.
Following this line of thinking, it makes senses that the mainstream media is not questioning or spending resources on reporting the escalating military activities in Syria. Especially in light of the fact that the mainstream media has caught on to the fact that the U.S. Government is primary cause of the refugee problem in Europe.
I wasn’t shocked when the U.S. Government announced that it was ramping up its military efforts in Syria to “fight ISIS,” or whatever conjured up acronym is being used to label the world’s newest “boogieman.”
This is clearly a thinly disguised attempt to move into Syria and remove the Assad Government, which would enable the U.S. Government to achieve the dual purpose of moving forward with the pipeline that Big Oil wants to put through Syria and to consolidate U.S. military control around the Middle East.
And I was equally unimpressed when Russia announced that it would be moving military equipment and personnel into and around the Assad Government stronghold areas in order to help fortify the “effort” against ISIS.
We saw this movie playing in September 2013, when the Obama regime tried to toss out Assad and put its own puppet in power. Russia drew a line in the sand from which Obama backed off.
This time around it looks a bit more serious. Literally a few days after Russia announced its reinforced military presence in Syria, the U.S. exercised its control over the Greek Government by imploring it to block Russia from using Greek airspace.
Yesterday Bulgaria announced that it would deny Russia use of its airspace for military transport planes, which were ostensibly transporting humanitarian supplies to Syria.
This is a clear escalation in the military conflict that has been slowly heating up between Russia and the United States. Perhaps the most troubling aspect of what is fomenting is not the finger-pointing propaganda between the U.S. and Russian Governments, but the fact that the media – especially in the U.S. – is spending very little resources on covering and reporting this brewing war.
The cover stories for the big wars throughout history have always been religious or political in nature. But the root cause can always be traced to underlying economic causes. We know the entire world is plunging into a deep recession. With the global balance of economic power shifting from West to East – perhaps best symbolized by the massive flow of gold from West to East – my biggest fear is that the U.S. will act in desperation in order to cling to the global hegemonic power that is slipping from its grasp…this is how the big wars always start. The only difference is that historically, the Empire in collapse did not possess weapons which could literally incinerate the earth…