Israel on Verge of Sending Troops into Syria Over Increased Threat of Terrorist Attack. War Propaganda for Greater Middle East War!

- This piece by Independent UK is propaganda. It tells you the Greater Middle East War, part of the Satanic WW3, is about to start. Zionist ‘666’ Israel intends to attack Iran, without any provocations.
– - Emphasis and remarks mine:
- Israel on Verge of Sending Troops into Syria Over Increased Threat of Terrorist Attack
by The Israeli Defence Force is reportedly carrying out manoeuvres to test their capability to launch an attack in the Golan Heights.
The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) is believed to be preparing for a possible ground operation in Syria. Local news channel, Channel 2, reported a large scale drill by military forces along the border on Sunday which simulated a possible incursion into Syrian territory and the evacuation of Israeli citizens from nearby border towns. According to another channel, Channel 10, the drill also prepared for a sophisticated attack by Isis on Israeli troops. (Propaganda – ISIS is a creation of Israeli Mossad, CIA, MI5/6) It comes after a senior officer said recent attempts by Hezbollah to carry out terror attacks against Israel from the Golan Heights were orchestrated by Iran. (Propaganda – no evidence. It is the Zionist state which have bombed Syria at least 5X over the past few years without provocation. Hezbollah operates in Lebanon not Syria.)
According to Haaretz, the Israeli Air Force carried out a bomb attack on suspected militants after an attempt to plant an IED along the border fence between Israel and Syria back in April was foiled.
An official told reporters during a briefing on Sunday: “It’s clear that Iran is behind all of the terror attacks here (in the Golan) in the past two years. He said. “The Iranians are using the border – they establish units – whether it’s [Imad] Mughniyeh, [Samir] Kuntar, and more – to carry out the attacks.” (War propaganda! No evidence! It is clear by these propaganda that Zionist ‘666’ Israel intends to goto war with Iran!)
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