Bad Moon Rising: Americans Bracing for September Shocker. Economic, Financial and Currency Collapse?

- Jeff Berwick: Systematic Market Crash to Occur on September 2015?
…. CK: No worries. Good answer either way. I want to get back to the current events that are happening. Even talking a lot about dollar hyperinflation I think that our audience at Palisade Radio a lot of them see some type of an inflation occurring. The stock market, the bond market, they all are historically overpriced right now. What do you see playing out? You said something about a potential crash on September. Why?
JB: I am just about to release more information on why I am zeroing in on that date. I have already written about it to The Dollar Vigilante subscribers last month. There are a lot of things happening in September that all seem to be gravitating to one date. The date happens to be September 13th and around September 15th. There are a number of reasons. I started looking at that date. I do not want to get too in depth here, too detailed or complicated, but there is something in the Judaic religion called the Shemitah. Every seven years there is a washing away of debts.
Due to some research I noticed that almost every major market collapse happens during this year and usually on this one day when the Shemitah year is finalized. It is the final year of the Shemitah. I looked into it and this year it happens to be September 13, 2015. The last was in 2008. That was the day that had the biggest point drop in the stock market of all time. Seven years before that was 2001, just after September 11th. On the final day of the Shemitah, September 17th, the New York Stock Exchange reopened after September 11th and fell, I think, the most in history at that point.
I have been just looking at these dates and then I start to put together that there is this massive military exercise going on in the US right now called Jade Helm. It runs essentially from July until September 15th. On September 15th there is also a meeting at the United Nations for their 70th Jubilee session, and most major world leaders are going to be there in New York. There are so many things. The pope also is going to be speaking at, I believe, the UN or Congress on that day or around that day.
There is something happening and I am still trying to put together all the details and all the numbers, and all the facts. I think something is going to happen. I do not know what it is going to be exactly, whether it is a complete financial currency reset. If you are looking at what the US government is planning for, looks like they are planning for a huge amount of chaos in society. They are planning for it. They are war gaming for a financial economic collapse. They are doing drills for it. There is something that seems to be in the works.
Now if I am wrong— and this is the great thing about this is if I am wrong and absolutely nothing crazy happens in September, I am still right on all the things that you should be doing right now. Because I think the collapse will come quite soon, very soon, as soon as maybe even September, if not in the next year to no more than couple of years at this point. I do not think so. All the things to do, that is, if you expect a September collapse to happen. Even if it does not happen you are still going to be positioned well, being in things like hard assets outside of the financial system as much as possible.
CK: Yeah, it is always good to protect yourself and build a defensive fortress and part of that is of course holding on to gold and silver. What happens in this type of situation to the price of gold? Are we going to see $10,000 per ounce or a $100,000 per ounce? I guess if there is a hyperinflation the number is irrelevant.
JB: Yeah, that is right. That is what happens in every hyperinflation. It is really hard to say because we have never had this happen before in human history. We have never had an entire world on fiat currency. We have never had a great majority of those countries be insolvent or bankrupt essentially. There is absolutely no way that most of these western countries can even hope to ever pay off the debt they have accumulated. It is obvious that is just a Ponzi scheme. They just keep rolling it over and making it bigger and bigger.
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