Terror Rabbis Would Be More Than Willing to Provoke a Final Armageddon-Like Holy War Between Judaism and Islam
- Terror Rabbis and the Triumph of the Judean Will
by RICHARD SILVERSTEIN, http://www.richardsilverstein.com/
A few days ago Amir Oren wrote a persuasive essay arguing that Israeli intelligence’s portrayal of Meir Ettinger, currently under administrative detention and suspected of masterminded several terror attacks, as a threat to the State is vastly overstated. He asserted that this claim was a mask to conceal the State’s unwillingness to address the broader issues of Jewish terror. Israel’s political élite has too much sympathy with the aims of this movement to extirpate it, as would be required of any other democratic state.
I’m very sympathetic to this belief because I know that Israeli intelligence (and Israel itself) either doesn’t want to, or can’t root out this poison within. It’s natural when such terror goes too far, as it has with the two murders by radical ultra-Orthodox Jews, to focus on a single bad apple. Make an example of him, put him away, then pretend you’ve addressed and eliminated the problem: poof, no more Jewish terror–till the next time.
But I have a lingering doubt about one aspect of this theory: settler terrorism is a real threat. A significant segment among the settlers really does wish to overthrow Israel’s so-called secular state and replace it with a Davidic monarchy. They also seek to destroy Haram al-Sharif and replace it with a Third Holy Temple. They would be more than willing to provoke a final Armageddon-like holy war between Judaism and Islam (or Israel and Palestine).
One may argue, as Oren did in Haaretz that whatever the beliefs of these individuals, they are no match for the power of the State. If it wished, it could snuff them out like a match. But I’m not so sure.
The current Israeli government, the most brutal, racist and extremist in the nation’s history, is a product of this settler victory.
In his Kabbalah-inspired universe, Jews are part of the divine order. They are above nature. Non-Jews are part of nature. But not just any part of nature, they are animals. That is, they are not human. For this reason, Ginsburgh goes so far as to say that theoretically, if a Jew needed a liver transplant (p. 134) and a non-Jew could provide a matching organ, it would be permissible to seize the latter and take the liver “by force.”
The commandment prohibiting murder does not apply, in this rabbi’s view, when a Jew kills a non-Jew, since God intended this to apply only in the case of human beings and, as we’ve seen above, only Jews are human. In case you non-Jews were wondering, there’s a way for you to become human. You just have to accept the laws of Moses and Jewish sovereignty. Then you too become part of Jewish divinity.
read more.
