John Embry: The Public Has Been Set Up For Slaughter – It Doesn’t Have A Chance
- John Embry: The Public Has Been Set Up For Slaughter – It Doesn’t Have A Chance
One of the things that has bothered me a lot is the cognitive dissonance amongst – not the public, the public doesn’t have a chance, they’re being lied to constantly by the media – but what I find distressing is the cognitive dissonance amongst financial professionals. – John Embry on Shadow of Truth
The precious metals sector has been under violent manipulative attack since gold and silver peaked in price in 2011. The western Governments and Central Banks had no choice but to attack real money because it would be the only way that they could continue implementing their ultimately catastrophic monetary policies in order to prevent systemic collapse.
But as Ayn Rand asserted a long time ago, you can ignore reality but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. It is likely that the move by the Chinese to begin devaluing their currency is an acknowledgement to this reality and it represents China’s attempt to get a head start on the rest of the world in order to minimize the consequences it will suffer relative to everyone else.
The surprise move by the Chinese to devalue the yuan is a “signal event” because basically it’s going to lead to currency debasement everywhere – it’s going to expose everyone else. What could be a better advertisement for gold and silver?…When this finally explodes [gold] it’s not going to go up $50 or $100 bucks it’s going to go up massively because the whole paper Ponzi scheme will be exposed. – John Embry
We have never in history witnessed extreme systemic imbalances in the world financial economic system to the extent that they are now occurring. As an example, Mr. Embry referenced the fact that, “The U.S., Japan and Canada have 52% of the Federal funded debt in the world and they have only 7% of the population base.”
One of the things that has bothered me a lot is the cognitive dissonance amongst – not the public, the public doesn’t have a chance, they’re being lied to constantly by the media – but what I find distressing is the cognitive dissonance amongst financial professionals. – John Embry
Finally, there’s a massive trade to be had in the gold and silver stocks, assuming our worse scenario does not play out. That is to say that the mining stocks have never been cheaper relative the price of gold and silver than they are now. In fact, I would venture to say that it might be the most undervalued market sector in history right now. Of course, the “worst scenario” is the scenario which hits in which you wished you were watching this from another planet…