Researcher: Zionists Pushing Countries to World War III
- Published on Aug 7, 2015
Zionist Jews in Israel and their supporters in the United States, including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, are pushing nations towards another global war and nuclear annihilation, a researcher and historian in Washington says.
“There is a desire by AIPAC and their radical, extremist, nihilistic, Zionist friends within the Jewish community to just take us all to thermo-nuclear destruction,” Dr. Randy Short told Press TV on Friday.
“The Jewish global community has got to be honest with itself and recognize that we can be pushed towards a third world war over Israel needing all its regional neighbors to be weak,” Short said. The researcher said it’s not surprising that US Senator Chuck Schumer, an influential Jewish Democrat, opposes the Iran nuclear accord. “Schumer is connected to AIPAC.”
“It’s a few hardcore, hateful, racist, Islamophobic, greedy, powerful Jewish Zionists who are behind this,” Dr. Short said. “It makes all of the humanity, including the Jews, suffer.”
Schumer, a senior senator representing New York state and widely expected to assume leadership of his party in the Senate, announced on Thursday that he will vote against the nuclear agreement with Iran.
“After deep study, careful thought and considerable soul-searching, I have decided I must oppose the agreement and will vote yes on a motion of disapproval,” Schumer wrote in a 1,600-word post on the website Medium.
Moments after, Eliot Engel, the ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, also declared to join President Barack Obama’s rivals to oppose the nuclear accord.
The announcements by Schumer and Engel were a blow to Obama, who is striving to save the Iran nuclear agreement in Congress, which is likely to pass a resolution opposing the measure. Congress is currently reviewing the nuclear agreement and will vote on it in September.
Most Republicans oppose the nuclear agreement with Iran, but they need a two-thirds vote in both chambers of Congress to override a possible presidential veto, and to reach that threshold, Republicans need Democratic support.

