Rallies Held in 3 Israeli Cities to Condemn “Jewish Terrorism”
- Published on Aug 1, 2015
Several thousand people have held rallies in three Israeli cities against Jewish terrorism a day after settlers immolated a Palestinian baby to death. In Tel Aviv, demonstrators took to the streets to condemn Friday’s attack. Opposition leader Isaac Herzog and head of Meretz Party, Zahava Gal-On were among the protesters. Herzog called assailants on the West Bank village terrorists, saying Jewish people are ashamed of their actions. The opposition leader said if he were prime minister, he wouldn’t simply condemn the attack, but would bring the perpetrators to justice. Gal-On said the perpetrators were nothing short of a Jewish Daesh, referring to ISIL terrorists. She blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for creating an atmosphere of incitement against Palestrinians and racism. Similar protests took place in Haifa and Be’er Sheva . Many Israeli extremist settlers voted in favor of Netanyahu and he was elected as prime minister by appeasing these voters.
