IDF Intercepts Gaza Flotilla Flagship, RT Columnist Aboard
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Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
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[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2015 Making a speech during a ceremony marking 70 years since the founding of her Christian Democratic Union, Angela Merkel called for a compromise between the two sides in order to resolve Greece’s crippling debt crisis. She added that financial assistance can only be offered in exchange for efforts by …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2015 US federal authorities have issued a terror threat warning to local law enforcement officials nationwide for the July 4 holiday, according to an anonymous US official cited by local media. – No specific or credible threat has yet been indicated, but intel gathered by the Department of Homeland Security …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 28, 2015 Infowars talks about the hypocrisy of authoritarian liberals who are attacking the Confederate flag while remaining tolerant of ISIS throwing gays off of buildings. And we’ll discuss the warning from Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito that defenders of traditional marriage risk being treated as bigots by governments, employers and …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 28, 2015 Pope Francis would like to see a new global political authority to coerce the “rich” nations of the West to force citizens to adopt radical lifestyle and energy consumption changes in response to unverified and widely debunked climate change alarmism. –……… end
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2015 The chief of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has made a last-ditch effort to keep Greece from leaving the Euro. He said that the creditors’ terms are not – quote – “stupid austerity” and that the Greek people should “not commit suicide out of fear of death” in the …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 29, 2015 Europe’s financial markets were jolted today by the imposition of capital controls in Greece. For more on the ongoing crisis in Greece RT is joined by Max Keiser, host of “The Keiser Report” end
[youtube=] SoT #39 – Market Update: Is The Comex End-Game In Sight? by Shadow of Truth, The Daily Coin The information in this report is take from sources believed to be reliable; however, the Commodity Exchange, Inc disclaims all liability whatsoever to its accuracy or completeness. This report is produced for information purposes only. – …
And So It Begins – Greek Banks Get Shut Down For A Week And A ‘Grexit’ Is Now Probable by Michael Snyder, Is this the beginning of the end for the eurozone? For years, European officials have been trying to “fix Greece”, but nothing has worked. Now a worst case scenario is rapidly unfolding, and a …
[youtube=] Published on Jun 28, 2015 The Israeli army has begun military drills in areas surrounding the Gaza Strip, as part of its annual training plan. Israel says the military exercises that started Sunday and will continue for almost a week, aim to keep the Israeli soldiers in the Gaza front “ready” for all field …
All of these are war propaganda. It smells like Operation BlackJack 2.0. A series of nuclear false flag attacks on 5-7 major western cities to ignite the Satanic WW3 using Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations Illuminist psyop. It is to pave the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, the bringer of false peace, fake …
US To Begin Invasion of Syria by Tony Cartalucci, Unbeknownst to the general public, their elected politicians do not create the policy that binds their national destiny domestically or within the arena of geopolitics. Instead, corporate-financier funded think tanks do – teams of unelected policymakers which transcend elections, and which produce papers that then become the …
Turkey scrambles tanks to create ‘buffer zone’ on Syria border by , 29 June 2015 Amid talk of a potential Turkish military intervention in Syria, the Turkish military is deploying tanks to the common border to create a “military buffer zone” there. – On Monday, Turkish armed forces began amassing near the Turkish border …
[youtube=] Muslim fundamentalism, radicalism, terrorism … are founded, created, supported, owned, controlled, managed, financed, trained, armed, logistically supplied …. by western Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI5/6, Mossad …! It should more properly be termed as “Masonic” and NOT “Muslim”! The people in the top echelons are Freemasonic Illuminists ie. Satanists! Al Qaeda, ISIS(ISIL) …. are …
[youtube=] FALSE FLAG ALERT: Craigslist Ad Asking for CRISIS ACTORS in Houston For JULY 4th by , In a Craigslist ad posted about 17 days ago, our Federal Government is looking for crisis actors for July 4th through July 6th. – “We are looking for crisis actors for a government emergency drill between July 4-6th. …
Why We’re Headed Toward A “Cashless Society” by BILL BONNER, … Controls on Cash A reader asks a good question: I have a question about the recommendation to hold cash. If countries are putting controls on real cash and banking, in what form should a person hold cash? U.S. dollars or some other currency. If we …
Collapsing CDS Market Will Lead To Global Bond Market Margin Call by Daniel Drew, As Zero Hedge previously noted, liquidity is there when you don’t need it, and it promptly disappears once it is in demand. Consider it “cocktease capitalism.” If liquidity lasts longer than 4 hours, call the CFTC because you may be experiencing …
Grexit?, BIS Warning, Chinese Market Crash & Systemic Risk Shake the Global Economy by Mark O’Byrne, – Persistent low rates leave central banks with no ammunition to fight next crisis – BIS says short-sighted central banks and governments contributed to current weaknesses – Lack of policy options have forced some central banks to stretch “boundaries …
The Troika Intends to Suffocate Greece. Threaten an “Uncontrollable Crisis”… by Ariel Noyola Rodríguez, The Central Bank of Greece surprised everyone with the publication of their monetary politics for 2014-2015. Besides revealing the consequences of the economic suffocation imposed by Brussels, it concluded that in case of not getting to a prompt deal with its …