Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Nick Barisheff – Global Monetary Reset Is Coming Very Soon! by Financial Survival Network Nick Barisheff author of Gold $10,000 joined us today. He says that China will soon disclose its massive gold hoard in an effort to join the IMF and have its currency included in the SDR (Special Drawing Right) which will become the …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 28, 2015 A Palestinian teenager, who was shot by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank, has died from his injuries. Israeli troops clashed with Palestinian protesters in a village near the city of Jenin on Monday. The teenage boy was hurt after Israeli forces opened fire at the crowd. The victim …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 28, 2015 Alex Jones breaks down how the situation in Baltimore Maryland has been allowed to escalate and why. –… end
[youtube=] Published on Apr 29, 2015 Homicide convictions nationwide are being stayed due to a 2012 inquiry by the FBI that is reviewing almost 3,000 homicide cases from 3 decades ago that used what is being called junk science to determine the guilty party using forensic analysis of hair samples. – The FBI has acknowledged …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 29, 2015 Alex Jones talks with medical expert David Breckler about how you can protect your body and what big pharma has done to medicine. end
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CBS: Gardasil Vaccine Can Cause Infection With Higher Risk HPV Strain! by Erin Elizabeth, Women who receive the Gardasil (HPV) vaccine may be more likely to be infected with the higher-risk strains of the virus than women who do not get the vaccine, according to a new study. Oh! but not to worry, you just …
[youtube=] The Mark: Will You Wear This “Beast Tech” Digital Tattoo That Can Read Your Mind And Operate Your Devices? by Mac Slavo, Over the next several years we’ll begin to see advanced bio-technologies hit the retail market. According to Tom Horn, author of On the Path of the Immortals, this Beast Tech could lead to …
[youtube=] Published on Feb 8, 2015 SHOW NOTES AND MP3: We all know about the crude pie-plate-on-string UFO hoaxes that have been perpetrated in the past. But what if I were to tell you the greatest UFO hoax of all time is being prepared right now, and it has Rockefeller backing and UN/Vatican/presidential support? …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 28, 2015 UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has deplored the killing of Palestinians in Israeli attacks on UN schools during last year’s war on Gaza. The comment was made after a UN inquiry found that at least 44 Palestinians were killed by Israel while sheltering at UN locations during the war. The …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 27, 2015 This a prime example on how the Government will manipulate things to their advantage. In this case, we know they want Chaos! They had Hundreds of police there, but for what? If their orders were to stand down and let Provocateurs Run Wild! – This is solid proof, from the …
[youtube=] Published on Apr 29, 2015 You can find more info on the Independent cities at the link below. Keep in mind that the ONLY 3 Cities that are Independent Outside of Virginia are Baltimore, St.Louis and Carson City, Nevada! –……… end
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[youtube=] [youtube=] Published on Apr 29, 2015 A new video shows Saudi warplanes trying to intercept an Iranian civilian aircraft that was on its way to deliver humanitarian aid to the war-ravaged Yemen . The footage recorded on mobile phone by the Iranian pilot shows Saudi fighter jets following the plane closely. The Iranian aircraft had …
Biggest Inventory Build In History Prevents Total Collapse Of The US Economy! by Tyler Durden, While we already observed that in Q1, US GDP rose by an appalling 0.2%, far, far below the consensus Wall Street estimate (in case you missed it, here again is the one thing every Wall Street economist desperately …
Paul Craig Roberts: Insanity Grips The Western World ! by Just as Karl Marx claimed that History had chosen the proletariat, neoconservatives claim that History has chosen America. Just as the Nazis proclaimed “Deutschland uber alles,” neoconservatives proclaim “America uber alles.” In September 2013 President Obama actually stood before the United Nations and declared, …