Bix Weir: IMF Magic Number 7, The Shemitah & September Collapse!
- Bix Weir: IMF Magic Number 7, The Shemitah & September Collapse!
from SGT
Bix Weir, founder of Road to Roota is back – and stay tuned until the very end for a special surprise from Bix.
JP Morgan is acquiring physical silver in staggering amounts. According to Ted Butler’s research, JPM is still short on the Comex (to drive paper prices down) but they are massively long on PHYSICAL silver to the tune of roughly 350 MILLION OUNCES which JPM has taken delivery of over the recent past. Bix says, “Don’t forget they are the custodian of the SLV silver etf. It might also be that they have been ponying up false numbers in SLV and are having to load up the coffers because something very big is coming down the line.”
Our conversation soon turns to Christine Lagarde, her magic number 7 speech and the seven year cycle of the Shemitah. Bix says, “We’ve got to remember who runs this financial system and who has the power to pull the plug. And it is these elite bankers such as Christine Lagarde. And obviously her speech about the magic number 7 was eluding to the Shemitah and the 7-year cycle… But this year the Shemitah is the seventh 7-year cycle so it’s an even bigger one, and according to the powers that be in the Jewish religion, this is the year of jubilee where all debts are forgiven… they could very easily pull the plug right around that time of September of 2015, so that’s the reason to look out for this coming September and for other reasons.”