Meet The World Money Power: A Most Secretive and Elusive Cabal ! Rebuilding of the Temple And the Coming of the Anti-Christ !
- The world is ruled by a Satanic cabal. They rule behind the scenes via their Illuminist puppets. They believe that they are the descendents of the serpent gods ie. the fallen angels (seraphim means fiery [flying] serpents) of Genesis 6. They consider themselves as children of the “gods”, demigods (Nephilim actually), an entirely different species from humanity, with a “divine” right to rule. These people are the Satanic bloodlines, the seed of the serpent, the Nephilim bloodlines, the Dragon families/bloodlines, the Old Black (as in Evil) Nobility of Europe headed by the British Monarchy.
– - Emphasis mine:
- Uploaded on Aug 1, 2011
Listen to many more jawdropping facts dug up by Eustace Mulins from files the NWO – elite wants to remain hidden from the public:
Download a wealth of (out of print) books for free here:
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Including many books by Eustace Mullims! And “WAR WAR WAR!”…
“Eustace Mullins was the most dangerous man in the world” according to FBI director Hoover. He found out too much that people in power would prefer to remain hidden so they could continue their dirty work unhindered. .. The FBI-files are full of blacked out parts, showing the governments utter contempt for people’s right to know the crimes against humanity especially against those requesting the information it is guilty of & tries to escape prosecution – which is the act of cowards! They may escape their rightful punishment in this age, as the government is the best organised criminal organisation because it also owns the courts, but soon God will judge all the devils seeds and throw them into eternal fire! Matthew 13: 24-50; Revelation 21:8
“Eustace Mullins was absolutely BRILLIANT in his research, writing and verbal presentations, and as honest a man and scholar as our country has ever produced. In all the interviews I had the great honor of doing with Eustace, he never ceased to amaze me…and to teach all of us critically-important truths about our world and the evil, satanic group that is and has been dominating it for far too long. HIs knowledge and wisdom about the controllers was simply astonishing.” said Jeff Rense.
A protege of the imprisoned patriotic poet Ezra Pound, Mullins compiled a well-researched raft of works that detailed the passage down through time of a hereditary group of banker killers who have essentially ruled the world from behind the scenes since ancient times.
Jesus Christ already foretold the coming of a One World Government ruled by the devil through his Antichrist, who will finally set himself on the throne in the newly rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. Read more about this:
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The Zionist World Congress in 1884 about already planned three world wars. The Zionists see themselves reigning the whole world after WW III from Jerusalem as the capital. This is where the antichrist will manifest on the throne in the rebuilt temple and demand worship as god. This is during the 7 years of Tribulation that the Bible talks about.
Jesus Christ is our only hope, our Peace with God, our future, If we believe, repent and follow Him until the end. No matter what these devil worshippers try to do…satan knows his time is very very short! Jesus Christ is coming back soon, very very soon! MARANATHA! Come quickly, Lord Jesus! Come!
– - Meet The World Money Power – A Most Secretive and Elusive Cabal!
Copyright December 2004 Charles Savoie
On November 24, 1980, the Associated Press quoted Leonard Bernstein, a globally prominent musical conductor, as saying in reference to the Kennedy assassination,
“We don’t dare confront the implications. I think we’re all agreed there was a conspiracy and we don’t want to know. It involves such a powerful high force in what we call the high places, if we do know, everything might fall apart.”
This is when I start to deliver what I’ve been hinting at for months as I have referred to the World Money Power or the Society. I say start, because a series will be necessary to convey the complete picture. In order for a few people to exercise the colossal power they do, secrecy is crucial.
That’s why so few outside the Society ever heard of it, or if they saw references to it, the meaning would not register. There is indeed a powerful high force in the high places! You must know about them because their existence governs your future to a disturbing extent.
They are the source of fiat money; the powers behind central banks; international financiers; warmongers; globalists; cartel monopolists; and the force suppressing precious metals.
JFK, whose father was a member, strayed from the plan! As Zad Rust commented in “Teddy Bare, The Last of the Kennedy Clan” (1971)—
“The Warren Commission had no other mission than to conceal the truth, and it was relentlessly helped in this mission by many official agencies and by some powerful organized Force of universal scope and character. This Force of Darkness has already brought the world very near to the point of no return on the road to total annihilation of the liberties of man and the independence of nations, and to the enthronement of the Antichrist.”
This is an organization with two branches, the London branch founded in 1902, the New York branch in 1903.
