LOOK! Marines Conduct Drill for Urban Riot Control In Virginia!
- Published on Apr 22, 2015
This footage was part of a package put together by the DOD Themselves. This is part of an Operational Readiness Exercise at the Naval Weapons Station. They show how BRAVO Fleet Marine Train for Urban Style Riot Control. You can also make note the the people they are training against are American Citizens. All tho they are only Role Players, Military trains for Terrain and Target Specific! What they are training for it a head on confrontation in the streets!
This Goes right along with the theme of Jade Helm anting soldiers to Conduct Night Time Operations in Urban Settings. They also use the excuse they want their troops to mingle into the crowd so to speak. Just another example of Military Training Against Citizens!
This Drill took place in Yorktown Virginia and Footage released 4/21/15 www.undergroundworldnews.com
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