Preparing for War with Russia? NATO War Games “Joint Warrior” in Scotland: 13,000 Troops, 54 Warships, 70 Planes, Submarines …
- Preparing for War with Russia? NATO War Games “Joint Warrior” in Scotland: 13,000 Troops, 54 Warships, 70 Planes, Submarines …
by Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO, via
Selected articles from Stop NATO
The following compilation of articles, reports and press releases from official sources was undertaken by Rick Rozoff, published on Stop NATO.
We have highlighted relevant sections. What this review confirms is that the US and its NATO allies are on an active war footing. US-NATO military exercises, training and planning are being regularly conducted on Russia’s doorstep in Eastern Europe, the Black Sea basins and the Baltic states.
Whereas Russia is not mentioned, these various military initiatives and “defensive” war games threaten the Russian Federation.
They involve the participation of troops from several NATO and NATO partner countries. What these articles and reports suggest is that Washington is anxious to mobilize military forces within NATO and NATO partner countries without the need to deploy a large number of US troops.
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