Psaki Sounds Like Baghdad Bob, Angry Ukraine Deal Reached Without US – Ron Paul Institute Exec. Director
Published on Feb 20, 2015
The US has again accused Russia of violating the cease-fire agreement and has threatened with what State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki called “additional costs”. To discuss this further RT talks to Daniel McAdams, executive director of Ron Paul Peace Institute.
– - The peace agreement was agreed by Germany, France, Ukraine and Russia. The absence of UK and US in the peace talks is painfully obvious. It signals deep divisions, disagreements … in the NATO alliance. The Anglo-American western Illuminati is intent on triggering a European war with Russia to break the economic and political ties of Europe and Russia. Ie. to keep Europe in the western Illuminati’s grip.
– - A WW3 in Europe with Russia is of NO benefit to Europe. Germany and France will suffer the most consequences. What we are about to witness is the breakup of NATO (and the Eurozone) led by Germany and France. The western Illuminati will no doubt attempt to subvert the peace agreement to breakup a potential alliance, potential shifting of allegiance to the BRICS alliance led by Russia and China. It is touch and go in the next few weeks. Don’t be surprise if the US mercenaries employ a false flag attack to put the blame on Russia in Ukraine and ignite their WW3.