Hyperinflation To Start in 2015: Economist Says Get Supplies : “Gold, Silver, Canned Goods, Toilet Paper, Bottled Water…”!
- When markets start collapsing: stock market crash, housing market crash …. ie. deflation, the financial/banking system will start to crumble. Banks need inflation for a healthy balance sheet. When deflation sets in, economic activity collapses, loan portfolios contract, bad loans rise … bankruptcies rise .. bank collaterals suffer losses … . The solution to deflation is inflation. Central banksters will implement asset repricing via more money printing, negative interest rates … or a revaluation of the gold price. That is when hyperinflation will start.
– - Hyperinflation To Start in 2015: Economist Says Get Supplies : “Gold, Silver, Canned Goods, Toilet Paper, Bottled Water…”!
by Mac Slavo, SHTFplan.com, February 19th, 2015
It’s impossible to predict when and how our economy will finally reach a breaking point, but according to contrarian Shadow Stats economist John Williams it’s coming one way or the other.
The only thing we can do now is to prepare for it and that means stockpiling critical supplies, just like you might for an earthquake or snowstorm, but in larger quantities.
Because, if and when hyperinflation starts people will quickly realize that their dollars are worthless. And as we have seen time and again, and most recently in Russia, when a currency rapidly loses its value the public will have no option but to panic buy everything that isn’t nailed down in an effort to unload their diminishing purchasing power before their currency is completely worthless.
This means, as John Williams notes in the following interview with Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog, that food and other essential supplies will disappear within a matter of hours.
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