Ukraine: A Platform for US War with Russia!

- Ukraine: A Platform for US War with Russia!
by Stephen Lendman,
Lunatics in Washington want regime change. They want Putin ousted. Pro-Western stooge governance replacing him. They want control over Russia’s vast land mass. They want it balkanized like Yugoslavia. Its resources plundered. Its people transformed into serfs. Cold War political and economic tactics head toward turning hot.
Throughout Putin’s tenure, Washington goaded Russia irresponsibly. Carpet-bombing it with Big Lies. Putin doesn’t believe Ukrainian crisis conditions sparked Western anti-Russian policies. “If all this had never happened, any other excuse would have been created,” he said last December. America’s “policy of contain(ing) (Russia wasn’t) invented yesterday, but has been held against our country for decades, if not centuries,” he explained.
US-led Western policies reflect war by other means. Heading recklessly toward turning hot. Moscow State University’s Alexey Fenenko calls Ukraine’s conflict a “geopolitical battleground to resolve (post-Cold War) issues left unsettled…” “(I)f allowed to deteriorate further,” things could head toward “push(ing) Russia and (US-dominated) NATO into the unchartered waters of a dangerous new rivalry” already apparent from what’s ongoing.
Russian and US world views reflect polar opposite positions. Washington wants unchallenged global dominance. Moscow supports multi-world polarity. It opposes America’s imperial objectives.
Fenenko believes “limited” US/Russia war looms. Both sides are preparing, he says. US-led NATO war on Russia “is no longer being viewed as a means of last resort for achieving (its) geopolitical goals.” How Fenenko defines “limited” he didn’t explain. Wars have a life of their own. Once started, odds favor escalation, not restraint.
The possibility of the world’s preeminent nuclear powers in open conflict with each other should scare everyone. Wars are waged to be won. Adversaries use whatever weapons are needed to do so. US v. Russia risks potential nuclear war mass annihilation. Conditions today show Washington plays a dangerous “game without rules,” said Fenenko. US-Soviet Russia confrontation was unthinkable during Cold War years. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) held both sides back. That was then. This is now. Previous articles explained.
Neocons infest Washington. Lunatics make policy. Apparently willing to risk all for global dominance. Wanting all rivals and independent governments eliminated. Mainly Russia and China.
For the first time in world history, humanity destroying nuclear war is possible. Russia is the only nation able to match America’s destructive power blow for blow.
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