Greece Says “NO” to Fake Bail-Outs!

- Greece Says “NO” to Fake Bail-Outs!
by Jeff Nielsen,
With a sane (and apparently honest/legitimate) government achieving election in Greece; the past six years of European “bail-out” fraud is about to be fully exposed. Indeed, the recent history of Greece, alone, is little more than a road-map of fraud, conclusively illustrated by a concise summation of events.
a) In 2009 and early 2010; the ECB “bailed-out” Greece on several occasions – and then it immediately went bankrupt, defaulting on 75% of its national debt.
b) Since that bankruptcy; it has been “bailed-out” several more times – and now it is once again teetering on bankruptcy.
Does this make any sense? Is it even possible? Of course not, because it never happened. The bankruptcies (past and pending) are real enough, it’s the so-called “bail-outs” which are/were nothing but lies and fraud. To illustrate this requires nothing more than enunciating a principle of logic/arithmetic which is tautological in its simplicity.
The only way to “bail-out” a distressed debtor is by reducing its debt. Or, at the very least, give the distressed debtor funds, which then can be used to make payments on its debt. This is not what the ECB has been doing with (to) Greece – and other Euro debtors – for the past six years. In fact, the ECB has never done this with any of Europe’s deadbeat debtors.
What has the ECB actually been doing all this time? It has been lending huge sums of its funny-money to these distressed debtors – i.e. it has been dramatically increasing their debts. We have a well-known analogy we use to describe such insanity: ‘putting out the fire with gasoline.’
When someone attempts to put out a fire with gasoline once, most likely we will simply dismiss that person as an incompetent boob. However, when the same individual (supposedly) attempts to put out a fire with gasoline again and again and again and again and again, we formulate a different opinion.
At that point we realize we are no longer dealing with a “firefighter”, we are dealing with a fire-starter – i.e. an arsonist. Why has the ECB (and all the puppet governments which comprise it) “failed” completely, in its attempts to “bail-out” the debtors of Europe? Because it was never trying to help these debtors, rather it was cynically/evilly intent on nothing other than burying them even deeper in debt.
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