The US Government’s Libya War Lies Unravelling!
- Establishment’s Libya War Lies Unravelling!
by Alex Newman,
The lies surrounding the Obama administration’s United Nations-approved war on Libya are unravelling faster than ever. From the lies about an imminent Rwanda-style “genocide” to the falsehoods promoted surrounding the post-war attack on the U.S. government facility in Benghazi that left the American ambassador and others dead, it appears to all be coming apart at the seams.
Even senior U.S. intelligence officials and retired American generals on the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi are now speaking out. More than a few experts have now denounced, among other propaganda, the blatantly false narrative used to unconstitutionally launch the regime-change operation against strongman Moammar Gadhafi, and to essentially “switch sides” in the terror war by supporting self-declared al-Qaeda “rebels.” As a result of the propaganda and subsequent war, meanwhile, Libya has now become a terror state infested with ISIS, al-Qaeda, and more.
In an explosive investigation by the Washington Times, close to a dozen U.S. defense and intelligence officials revealed that there was never actually any specific information to suggest that Gadhafi was planning to launch “genocide.” In fact, as The New American reported years ago citing other sources, there was abundant intelligence available that contradicted the false narrative pushed by the administration. Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, currently being pushed by the establishment as a Democrat presidential candidate, relied on the claims about allegedly impending “genocide” as the essential argument for U.S. military intervention to overthrow the Libyan dictator. To do that, the Times probe revealed, she had to cast aside the concerns of top U.S. military officials, with “speculative arguments” often trumping information being reported from the ground.
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