War on a Global Scale! The First Manmade Extinction on Planet Earth: The Endgame’s “Final Solution?”
- War on a Global Scale! The First Manmade Extinction on Planet Earth: The Endgame’s “Final Solution?”
by Joachim Hagopian, http://www.globalresearch.ca/
It’s difficult not to see war on a global scale fast approaching. All the signs are here. From the vantage point of looking at the recent past in view of the present world conditions and developments, World War III appears inevitable. US Congress last month handed Obama authorization to wage war against Russia. US-NATO forces in Europe are scrambling for war readiness. So is the Russian military. In recent months Russian and Indian military forces have been busy training in joint operations. This year Russia and China are holding joint naval exercises in both the Mediterranean and the Pacific Ocean. Each side is preparing for nuclear war.
Many factors that have been dangerously at play are rapidly converging now in 2015. The global debtor economy is absolutely unsustainable. Despite all the lies from our government and mainstream media, most of us are recognizing that the existing money paradigm based on infinite growth clashes with the bottom line reality of earth’s dwindling finite resources. The strategy of the private Western banking cabal in the US operating as the Federal Reserve to simply keep printing more fiat money as IOU’s is clearly not working. You can’t make money out of thin air without a consequence at some point down the road. The oligarchs that designed this flawed, broken system of Ponzi scam theft, maintaining its predatory practice of placing people and nations in insurmountable debt, have known full well that you can’t keep borrowing from Peter to pay Paul because in the end, the bill collector will demand payment due. Long past the tipping point, we’re now reaching that moment when payment’s due.
All the propaganda lies with the bogus number crunching are a mere sleight of hand to trick the public from realizing the ultimate truth – that the day of reckoning is drawing ever closer. More than one in four working age Americans is permanently out of work or underemployed. Over half of young people under age 25 do not have jobs in the US. More than three out of four Americans say they’re living from paycheck to paycheck.
The banking industry is currently in a state of crisis as world bankers all around the globe have been mysteriously “committing suicide” in droves at an unprecedented rate – 36 last year alone. Some are known execution-style murders. Prominent banksters handling the finances and gold belonging to the world’s wealthy elite and national governments are disappearing fast.
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