Shock: CNN Editorial Calls for a North American Union!
- The plan, as I understand it, is a North America Union(NAU) followed rapidly by super merger via the TPP/TTIP with AsiaPac countries and Europe. This is the coming Mystery Babylon Whore And 10 Horn Beast empire of Revelation 17! The process to this final end is via the Satanic WW3!
– - We are witnessing the development of the Luciferian New World Order, World Government led by the Anti-Christ –> ‘666’! The snakes are running out of time, 23 Sept 2017 is approaching rapidly. The pace of shock after shock, changes, chaos, collapse, wars, genocide …. will quicken astoundingly.
– - Shock: CNN Editorial Calls for a North American Union!
Why we need a North American Passport … The future success of North America depends partly on how the U.S., Canada and Mexico work together … The future of the United States lies in North America. This is not a geographic truism, but a strategic imperative. Generations of Americans, distracted by far-flung crises, have long taken our own region for granted. This must change if the 21st century is to be an American century. – CNN
Dominant Social Theme: It is very important for everyone to get together everywhere all the time.
Free-Market Analysis: Is the campaign for a North American Union officially underway with this editorial appearing in CNN?
Certainly conspiracy theorists might be justified in thinking so. For years, more than a decade, some have suspected that powerful bureaucracies in North America – especially in Washington – might seek to combine Mexico, the US and Canada into a single super-state.
This was always greeted with howls of contempt by those in the mainstream media, especially in the liberal congregation, who knew better. There was no need, no possibility, that Canada, Mexico and the US would ever form a single trading – and perhaps political – union in the manner of the EU.
But here we go. Those derisive hoots are now drowned out by the reality of what this editorial proposes.
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