Former White Official Exposes Shocking Real Reason For Historic 58-Sigma Move By Swiss!
- Former White Official Exposes Shocking Real Reason For Historic 58-Sigma Move By Swiss!
Today a former White House official stunned King World News by exposing the shocking real reason for the historic move by the Swiss central bank. The former presidential advisor also discussed why the 58-sigma Swiss move was tantamount to a nuclear explosion and what is left in the aftermath of the destruction.
Eric King: “Dr. Malmgren, what about this latest move by the Swiss that shocked the world?”
Dr. Malmgren: “It was a shocking move. Just to put it into perspective, the implied volatility on Euro/Swiss and Dollar/Swiss had been less than 1 percent for the coming year. Then the Swiss made the stunning announcement and the currency moved 43 percent in half an hour….
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Can someone tell me what is this 58-sigma moves that they referring to?
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