BBC News: Doubts Raised Over Authenticity of Charlie Hebdo Footage! False Flag Terrorism?!
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Published on Jan 11, 2015 We have 100% proof of the Paris Kosher Supermarket being a hoax. We see a cop standing 10 metres away from a pile of cops apparently shooting through all of them into the Supermarket lol – This is a follow-up video of… – Shout out to youtuber Brentae …
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Charlie Hebdo is NOT about Freedom of Speech; it’s about inciting World War 3! by Michael Thomas, State of the Nation …. For those very few individuals who were born with the correct understanding of Free Speech, this missive is certainly not for them. For the vast majority who populate the overly permissive democracies of …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 12, 2015 Alex Jones covers the news and breaks down how the globalists orchestrate terror attacks and then use them to take our rights. –… end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 12, 2015 Alex Jones breaks down the latest news on the Paris shooters and how they have ties to the known underwear bomber patsy. –… [youtube=] end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 12, 2015 EU is considering amending free movement policy within its borders after Charlie Hebdo massacre. end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 11, 2015 Israelis continue to harass Palestinian worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque compound in the East Jerusalem al-Quds. Palestinian sources say a group of Israeli settlers backed by security forces have once again stormed the holy site. Our correspondent in Ramallah, Mona Kandil, tells us more. Jew Settlers Stoning Palestine Children …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 11, 2015 The recent terrorist attacks in France have caused widespread panic both in the country and across Europe. Following the terror incidents, several countries launched an arrest campaign targeting Muslims. But analysts believe these countries are only spreading Islamophibia, while ignoring the root cause of the problem. They say the …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 12, 2015 Nearly seventy percent of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are suffering from food insecurity, according to (OCHA) the United Nations Office for the coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Lack of food security saw a sharp increase during the recent Israeli war on Gaza with Israeli forces targeting farmlands, poultry …
Greeks Stop Paying Taxes Ahead Of Elections As Central Bank Scrambles To Halt Bank Run Rumors! by Tyler Durden, In what appears to be a desperate attempt to boost confidence in a failing financial system taken right out of the 2011/2012 playbook, over the weekend the National Bank of Greece had its latest “subprime …
[youtube=] Laurence Kotlikoff: European Bank Runs Could Come to America! by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Boston University Economics Professor Laurence Kotlikoff says Greece is, once again, in financial trouble and that could set off another global financial calamity. Dr. Kotlikoff contends, “So, you have the same problem. You have a country that is …
[youtube=] Uploaded on Dec 8, 2010 Dr. Mary Schweitzer and her research assistants were working on a T-rex dinosaur fossil and saw medullary tissue (showing that the T-rex had been pregnant). Because no one had ever found this tissue in a dinosaur fossil before, she told her assistant to soak it in acid to be …
[youtube=] Did Humans Walk the Earth with Dinosaurs? Triceratops Horn Dated to 33,500 Years! by April Holloway, A Triceratops brow horn discovered in Dawson County, Montana, has been controversially dated to around 33,500 years, challenging the view that dinosaurs died out around 65 million years ago. The finding radically suggests that early humans may have …
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The $100 Trillion Reason Why Central Banks Are Terrified of Debt Deflation! by Gains, Pains and Capital The world is turning Japanese. For over 20 years, Japan has been ground zero for the great Keynesian nightmare of Central Planning. Japan’s financial bubbles burst in 1989-1990. Since that time, Japan has seen little to no growth …
Emphasis mine: Paris False Flag Terrorism: Aims to Create the Beginning of a Civil War Based on “Clash of Civilizations”! by Thierry Meyssan, A French September 11th? Who ordered the attack against Charlie Hebdo? – While many French react to the attack against Charlie Hebdo denouncing Islam and demonstrating in the streets, Thierry Meyssan …
Top Russian, American and Polish Leaders Warn that Continued Fighting In Ukraine Could Lead to Nuclear War! by WashingtonsBlog The Stakes Are Too High Not to Negotiate Peace Former Soviet leader and Nobel prize winner Mikhail Gorbachev warned today that the battle in Ukraine could result in a nuclear war: – “A war of this …
The First Question to Ask After Any Terror Attack: Was It a False Flag? by George Washington, Governments from around the world admit they’ve used the bully’s trick … attack first, and then blame the victim: – * Japanese troops set off a small explosion on a train track in 1931, and falsely blamed it …
[youtube=] The Semi-Undead: “Sort of” Dead French Cop in “Selfie” Revival! by Gordon Duff, What is it Jim Dean says…Oh yeah: “You just can’t make this ‘stuff’ up” but then again…they do all the time – Within hours we debunked the Paris locations of the terror attacks, proved blanks were used, dubbed sound tracks. This …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 11, 2015 WORLD WAR 3. THE FINAL SOCIAL CATACLYSM http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com… end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 8, 2015 Sky news presenter Freudian Slip, says: “You can see the blood on the ground, which has been put there” “The spot where he fell, has already been marked by candles, by some flowers, which have been laid here, this area was largely cordoned off last night.” – Really. So …