Most Historic Precious Metals Mania Stampede in History By 2016?
- Most Historic Mania Stampede in History By 2016?
David Morgan, Alasdair Macleod, & Bill Murphy join The Doc & Eric Dubin this week for a special Precious Metals Round Table edition of Metals & Markets, discussing:
* Is JPMorgan sourcing silver by the warehouseload- directly from the miners via financing global miners’ refining?
* Dhragonomics: ECB only 1 step behind Japan- paper fiat currencies on way to collapse in 2015
* David Morgan: Fundamentals reflect $4800 current value in gold- physical shortage may develop in 2015-2016, resulting in a MASSIVE MANIC/PANIC stampede into metals & mining shares- something could lite a match to the gasoline filled warehouse of this market tomorrow!
* Alasdair Macleod: Dollar strength distorting the picture- Gold has doubled vs Ruble in past year, all hell is breaking loose across the currency markets- 2015 will be the year for gold
* Why the short sellers CANNOT be taken down by standing for delivery- is the entire game RIGGED?
* Bill Murphy: Gold and silver may just Go Bonkers in 2015! When this blows, we will have the MOST HISTORIC MOVE IN HISTORY!