MI5 Chief Says Al-Qaeda Plotting Mass Casualty Attacks in West !
- Published on Jan 8, 2015
Britain’s security service, MI5, has warned that al-Qaeda terrorists in Syria are planning mass casualty attacks in Western countries. MI5 chief Andrew Parker says it is highly likely that Britain would be targeted. Parker said likely attacks are plotted against transport systems or iconic targets to inflict large-scale loss of life. The spymaster also said three terror plots were foiled in Britain in recent months. He described the level of terror threat to Britain as very serious. Parker added that the threat is possibly posed by British nationals who have joined terrorists in Syria. He made the comments in a rare address in the wake of the deadly attack on a magazine office in Paris.
- The western Illuminati is hell bent on using their terror arm: Al CIAda, to trigger (nuclear) false flag attacks on western cities to ignite their Satanic WW3. It is Operation BlackJack 2.0!
