Israel Attempts to Evade Charge of War Crimes, Retains Tax Revenues in Bid to Engineer Collapse of the Palestinian Authority!

- Israel Attempts to Evade Charge of War Crimes, Retains Tax Revenues in Bid to Engineer Collapse of the Palestinian Authority!
by Anthony Bellchambers,
“Not only is this illegal, they are adding money theft to land theft. The revenues belong to the Palestinian people, they go to pay salaries and support our economy. Israel has no business deciding to steal our funds,” reports senior Palestinian negotiator Ashrawi.
It is now clear that the Netanyahu government will attempt to evade the charge of war crimes during Operation Cast Lead when the IDF killed hundreds of children in its 2014 July/August offensive against the civilian population. It is expected to use the same tactics as previously when it tried unsuccessfully to discredit the UNHRC Fact Finding Commission’s report by SA Judge Richard Goldstone alleging war crimes in Israel’s 2009 army killing spree in Gaza.
Now, however, the international community is more aware of Israel’s tactics and more willing to cut trade links in moves to bring about an end to illegal settlements.