MSM PsyOp: Sandy Hook Victim Dies Again in Pakistan!
[youtube=] Published on Jan 5, 2015 Photo of child killed at Sandy Hook shows up at Pakistani school shooting. end
Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Published on Jan 5, 2015 Photo of child killed at Sandy Hook shows up at Pakistani school shooting. end
[youtube=] Published on Jan 4, 2015 A political commentator says the United States and its Western allies created the ISIL terrorist group in order to bomb Syria and replace the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad with a pro-Western government. – ISIL “is a creation of the West. When I say the West, I am …
Bidless Euro Crashes To Level Not Seen Since March 2006! by Tyler Durden, Having closed the Friday session less than 1 pip above the hugely important 1.2000 level below which there lay many stops, following this weekend’s news onslaught which seemed like a deja vu of the newsflow from the fall of 2011, where …
Russia’s “Startling” Proposal To Europe: Dump The US, Join The Eurasian Economic Union! by Tyler Durden, Slowly but surely Europe is figuring out that as a result of the western economic and financial blockade of Russian, it is Europe itself that is suffering the most. And while Germany was first to acknowledge this late …
[youtube=] Published on Dec 31, 2014 Palestinian mourners in the village of Beita south of occupied Nablus, held a public funeral for 17-year-old , who was shot dead by Israeli forces on Monday.The Israeli army claim Duweikat and another Palestinian boy were throwing stones at Israeli vehicles near the Za’atara checkpoint. However his family say …
[youtube=] The CIA is a western Illuminist intelligence agency and is used to control the Illuminist MSM! They serve the Illuminati NOT the public interest. – The CIA and Other Government Agencies Have Long Used Propaganda Against the American People! by WashingtonsBlog The Government’s Been Deploying Propaganda On U.S. Soil for Many Years – The …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 3, 2015 Dr. Matthew Watson from Bristol University in the UK told the media recently that he’s “terrified” by many of the geoengineering projects currently in the works to thwart man-made climate change, a phenomenon being hawked as an excuse for weather modification programs by many in mainstream science as a …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 3, 2015 Of almost 70 asteroids on the radar most are around 100 metres wide, the size of a double decker bus, and would be capable of causing significant damage. – Experts warn if one of these monsters, some of which travel at up to 70,000 miles an hour, were …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 4, 2015 Israel has said it will withhold tax revenues and will bring war crimes lawsuits against Palestinian leaders. It follows Palestinian attempts to join the International Criminal Court after a vote on the latest resolution on an Israeli withdrawal from the occupied territories failed in the UN Security Council, falling …
[youtube=] Published on Jan 4, 2015 Germany believes EU can survive the exit of Greece; the situation in Greece is devastated, according to official statistics. end
Darryl R. Schoon – Will The Jig Be Up In 2015? by Financial Survival Network Darryl R. Schoon believes that fiat money and the world financial system is nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme. It’s unravelling very quickly and the world’s central bankers are extremely frightened. There’s nothing they can do to stop the destruction. …
The Satanic cabal is setting up the world for a catastrophic collapse! The plan is: global economic, financial and currency collapse and WW3! The progression of the currency collapse is such that the USD will be the last currency standing before it also is destroyed via hyperinflation. Ie. the currency collapse will proceed from emerging …
The Synagogue of Satan operations known as Wall Street and the City of London have 1 final card to play: their Satanic WW3! There is more than money at stake here! We are rapidly approaching the final 7 years (prophetic week) of the Biblical endtimes. Emphasis mine: – Wall Street Puts the ‘Debt’ in Debtonator! …
Emphasis mine: To Ring in the New Year With a Bang: Wipe Out Wall Street! by The Economist yesterday joined the ranks of those Wall Street and City of London hysterics who are admitting that the trans-Atlantic financial system is bankrupt and about to blow up. – The upcoming January elections in Greece are …
[youtube=] Rob Kirby: Oil Derivatives Explode in Early 2015! by Greg Hunter’s (Early Sunday Release) Gold and derivatives expert Rob Kirby thinks crashing oil prices are going to lead to a 2008 style financial meltdown. This is not a maybe–a market explosion is going to happen in 2015. Kirby contends, “Oh yes, without a …