Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
[youtube=] Published on Nov 26, 2014 The Israeli prime minister wants more than 18 million dollars set aside for a new settlement expansion project in the occupied West Bank. Benjamin Netanyahu has ordered the finance ministry to designate this amount of money to replace a military army base near Ramallah. The move is meant to …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 26, 2014 Activists are taking to the streets across the country to express their displeasure with the recent decision to not indict Ferguson, Mo. police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of African-American teenager Michael Brown. The large crowds, which are largely peaceful, have been mostly ignored by national media, however. …
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[youtube=] Published on Nov 26, 2014 Are the NWO agitators hellbent lunatics or paid stooges? As more and more evidence stacks up on the orchestrated events in Ferguson, Infowars will continue to document and unravel the actors in the unfortunate use of good hard working American’s neighborhoods and property to sell the NWO’s martial law …
[youtube=] Published on Nov 26, 2014 Alex Jones welcomes Joe Biggs and Jakari Jackson back to Texas and into the studio to discuss what they saw in Ferguson and what they think the end goal is. –… end
[youtube=] Published on Nov 26, 2014 Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 11.26.2014 – Italy retail sales post losses once again. New home sale data was revised to make housing sales look better than they are. EU pumping in billions of dollars to keep the economy …
The Illuminist philosophy is always to own/control all sides in a major conflict. All major powers are under the rule of the Synagogue of Satan and Russia(China) is no exception. – To consolidate disparate countries into a One World Government, the simplest tactic is to use a “Common Enemy”. Countries around the world have to …
Who is the Driving Force Behind Synagogue Attack? by Tim King, , 20 Nov 2014 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is vowing revenge over the deadly attack in an Israeli synagogue Tuesday that left four rabbis and one Israeli police officer dead. – The act is said to have been carried out by two Palestinian …
10 Signs That Russia Is Preparing To Fight (And Win) A Nuclear War With The United States! by Michael Snyder, If the United States and Russia fought a nuclear war, who would win? You might be surprised by the answer. Under the Obama administration, the rapidly aging U.S. strategic nuclear arsenal has been shrinking. …
Is Putin Blinking Or Preparing For War? by L. Todd Wood, , 25 Nov 2014 Russia will not back down, sanctions and the West be damned. Today, it was reported that fighting eased between pro-Russian forces and the Ukrainian military in East Ukraine. Shelling from Novorossiya was said to quiet almost completely. Bloomberg also reported …