Physicist Claims Evidence of Ancient Nuclear Explosions Ended Life On Mars! Martian Civilization Wiped Out by a Nuclear Attack from Space?!
- Published on Nov 22, 2014
A plasma physicist is advancing a theory in which he claims to have evidence of two ancient nuclear explosions on Mars, events that he believes wiped out an ancient civilization on the red planet.
According to the Daily Mail, Dr. John Brandenburg is set to present his theory at the 2014 Annual Fall Meeting of the American Physical Society in Illinois, which will be held this Saturday. His lecture, Evidence of Massive Thermonuclear Explosions in Mars Past, The Cydonian Hypothesis, and Fermi’s Paradox, will examine the theory, which he also advances in a paper set to be published in the Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle physics.
– - These are signs of a cosmic war probably during the period of the Genesis 6 Flood. It is the destruction of the Nephilim civilization that went off planet and corrupted the Galaxy. We are all being lied to about evidence of life on Mars!
