Obama’s Czar Holdren Takes Heat For Advocating Forced Abortions, Global Warming … !
- Obama’s Czar Holdren Takes Heat For Advocating Forced Abortions, Global Warming … !
by Kit Daniels | www.Infowars.com
Holdren supports U.S. takeover by a “planetary regime” practicing population control.
John P. Holdren, Obama’s science czar who advocated forced abortions and the creation of a world government to stop a “coming ice age,” took major heat last night over his views on population control and “global warming.”
Holdren, whose 1977 book Ecoscience argued for the creation of a transnational “planetary regime” which would force women to abort their babies and require the population at large to take infertility drugs placed in the food supply, hosted a Q&A session on Twitter Thursday in which users could ask him questions on various issues.
Twitter users took the opportunity to challenge Holdren on his totalitarian beliefs.
“Why did you predict a new ice age in 1971?” Steve Goddard asked Holdren in reference to Holdren’s 1971 essay in which he warned of a “new ice age” caused by human activity.
In the essay, which was published in a book entitled Global Ecology: Readings Toward a Rational Strategy for Man, Holdren claimed a “reduced transparency of the atmosphere to incoming light as a result of urban air pollution” would drop the world’s surface temperature.
“This screening phenomenon is said to be responsible for the present world cooling trend—a total of about .2°C in the world mean surface temperature over the past quarter century,” he wrote. “This number seems small until it is realized that a decrease of only 4°C would probably be sufficient to start another ice age.”
“The effects of a new ice age on agriculture and the supportability of large human populations scarcely need elaboration here,” he added.
Strangely enough, Holdren is now one of the leading proponents of “global warming,” claiming that climate data points to unimaginable overheating of the planet even though the data actually shows no increase in global warming for over 18 years.
So why did Holdren flip-flop from “global cooling” to “global warming?” Because he likes to exploit the latest doomsday “scenario-of-the-week” to try and scare the public into accepting a large government which follows his recommendations on population control among other things.
But Twitter users were openly questioning Holdren’s advocacy for forced sterilization and abortions.
“Do you still think we should sterilize third world people through their water supplies to prevent overpopulation?” Euphonius Bugnuts asked.
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