Russian Central Bank Prepares Bill to Create SWIFT Analog in Russia!

- What has been long rumoured is now publicly stated. The BRICS alliance is now offering their alternative to the Anglo-American Zionist western Illuminati’s SWIFT system. SWIFT, Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, is the system which controls the transfer of funds between nations. By using SWIFT, the western Illuminati impose their global hegemony on the world. Using SWIFT they impose sanctions on countries that oppose their hegemony! By denying the transfer of funds between nations, trade between sanctioned countries ceases.
– - We are talking about not being able to import or export anything since payment cannot be made. When a country cannot import oil, food, …. their economy collapses unless they are highly self reliant.
– - This move by Russia (and quite obviously with the support of China) is a direct stab at the heart of the western Illuminati’s global hegemony. The war drums will escalate and the Satanic WW3 will be triggered. This is about control of the world, control of the coming Luciferian New World Order, World Government.
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