New World Order: One World, One Bank, One Currency!

- The path towards the final endtimes empire winds through the Satanic WW3. The end objectives: Luciferian New World Order, World Government, Global Supra-National Central Bank (likely to be IMF 2.0), One World Currency backed by gold –> ‘666’!
– - I do not buy the talk that the IMF is the savior of the world in the coming collapse. It is just another privately owned Illuminist corporation. It does not have any real resources ie. hard assets. The so-called physical gold it has really belongs to the nation states. It is doubtful that they even exist ie. they are most likely sold or are just accounting figures in the balance sheets. The SDR is merely an accounting entry ie. just another fiat ‘currency’ shenanigans.
– - The idea that you can use the SDR to ‘liquefy’ the world in the coming global financial collapse is BS. Can worthless pieces of paper or electronic/computer entry created out of thin air save the world? I don’t think so. One fiat ‘currency’ the SDR replacing another: the dollar will not do. The real asset which will re-liquefy the world is physical gold. It is via an astronomical revaluation of gold price against fiat currencies that debt will be conquered. The SDR will have to be backed by gold to be effective!
– - One World, One Bank, One Currency!
by Addison Wiggin,
“The government is very good at making things overly complicated for the purpose of obscuring what’s really going on from the public,” observed hedge fund manager Erik Townsend during our interview in May.
He was making a point about the 2008 bailouts. The Federal Reserve played a leading role, applying trillions in paper-clip and rubber-band solutions. The Fed’s balance sheet swelled from $900 billion in September 2008 to $4.4 trillion as we go to press.
Luckily for you, our friend Jim Rickards is just as good at elucidating the muddled world of finance as the government is at obscuring them.
“Since Federal Reserve resources were barely able to prevent complete collapse in 2008,” Jim writes in his recent New York Times best-seller, The Death of Money, “it should be expected that an even larger collapse will overwhelm the Fed’s balance sheet.”
Simply put, next time, printing another $3 trillion-plus won’t be politically feasible. “The specter of the sovereign debt crisis suggests the urgency for new liquidity sources, bigger than those that central banks can provide, the next time a liquidity crisis strikes. The logic leads quickly from one world to one bank to one currency for the planet.”
Leading the way, says Rickards, will be the International Monetary Fund. “The task of re-liquefying the world will fall to the IMF because the IMF will have the only clean balance sheet left among official institutions. The IMF will rise to the occasion with a towering issuance of SDRs, and this monetary operation will effectively end the dollar’s role as the leading reserve currency.”
read more!
- “They are planning through the IMF to come up with a World Currency to replace the dollar because the dollar will be replaced you just can’t keep printing them forever …. They wanna come up with another currency controlled and ruled by the United Nations and IMF ! “ – Quote: Ron Paul, 12 Jan 2012 at South Carolina.
- “Are we going to go another step further into INTERNATIONAL MONEY … are we gonna go toward a U.N./IMF STANDARD where they are going to control with the USE OF FORCE another fiat standard. That’s what many people are working for and I CONSIDER THAT A VERY DANGEROUS MOVE!” – Ron Paul
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