WHO Lied As Congo Admits To Ebola Outbreak While Ebola-Infected Brit Returns Home!
- WHO Lied As Congo Admits To Ebola Outbreak While Ebola-Infected Brit Returns Home!
by Tyler Durden, www.zerohedge.com
Last week, when we reported on the latest breakout of a mysterious Ebola-like disease, which had claimed at least 70 people’s live at last check, we were skeptical by the WHO’s attempts to mask the fact that an Ebola outbreak is something else entirely, in a desperate attempt to avoid the panic that would inevitably result from the confirmation that the Ebola virus has officially made its way into the fifth country, this time the second largest African nation by surface area, the Democratic Republic of Congo.
As Reuters reported at the time, citing a WHO spokesman who had sent an email to the news agency, “this is not Ebola” to which we mused: “perhaps the WHO is fibbing just a bit to prevent another all out panic. If not Ebola then what? According to WHO, the deaths are the result of an outbreak of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, a disease prevalent in… dogs?
We concluded: “So is the WHO simply trying to prevent the spread of panic and deny that Ebola has now spread to the second largest country in Africa? We will surely find out soon enough, especially if the WHO, too, advises the population “to keep calm and BTFD”…”
Three days later we have the answer and sure enough, as we suspected the WHO was indeed lying.
Reuters confirms: Democratic Republic of Congo declared an Ebola outbreak in its northern Equateur province on Sunday after two out of eight cases tested came back positive for the deadly virus, Health Minister Felix Kabange Numbi said. A mysterious disease has killed dozens of people in Equateur in recent weeks but the World Health Organization had said on Thursday it was not Ebola.
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