Jihad Inside: Extremists Ranks in Europe Grow! Psychological Warfare by Intelligence Agencies to Foment Muslim Threat, WW3!
- I do not buy all these ‘news’ about thousands, tens of thousands joining the ISIS jihad. I am quite sure there are brainwashed idiots who have signed up to join ISIS. But definitely not in the thousands or tens of thousands. It is all a psychological warfare by western Illuminist intelligence agencies: CIA, MI5/6, Mossad .. to foment Islamophobia. They are following Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations Illuminist psyop to brainwash the sheeple into the coming Satanic WW3. These Illuminist social engineers control the MSM and social media. They promote their fake agenda by masquerading as Christians, Jews, Muslims … etc. to brainwash the sheeple.