ISIL(ISIS) Threatens to Strike US Targets Around Globe, Vowing to Drown Americans in Blood !
- Dr. John Coleman Ex. British Intelligence
By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule.
- All of these threats by the ISIS(ISIL) are really just the CIA, MI5/6, Mossad .. ie. western Illuminist intelligence agencies, psychological warfare to sell the coming Satanic WW3 using Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations as the script! It is the Satanic cabal, the western Illuminati, controlling western governments and their ‘Muslim’ Terrorist cells (Masonic Terrorism is a more accurate description NOT Muslim Terrorism), who are behind this. You should expect false flag attacks on western cities by ISIS(ISIL) based roughly on the Operation BlackJack plan. It is Satanic.
– - Samuel Huntington’s: Clash of Civilizations (Wikipedia)
More recent factors contributing to a Western-Islamic clash, Huntington wrote, are the Islamic Resurgence and demographic explosion in Islam, coupled with the values of Western universalism—that is, the view that all civilizations should adopt Western values—that infuriate Islamic fundamentalists. All these historical and modern factors combined, Huntington wrote briefly in his Foreign Affairs article and in much more detail in his 1996 book, would lead to a bloody clash between the Islamic and Western civilizations. The political party Hizb ut-Tahrir also reiterate Huntington’s views in their published book, The Inevitability of Clash of Civilisation.[8]
- ISIL threatens to strike US targets around globe!
The ISIL terrorist group, which is operating in Iraq and Syria, has threatened to strike US targets around the globe, vowing to drown Americans in blood.
In an online video, the terrorist group that has seized large parts of Iraq says it will attack Americans in any place if US airstrikes hit them. The recently uploaded video shows a photograph of a US citizen who was beheaded during the US occupation of Iraq in 2011 and victims of snipers.
It also features a statement that reads: “We will drown all of you in blood.”
The warning comes as Washington is helping Kurdish Peshmerga forces recapture territories captured by militants. On Sunday, US forces carried out several airstrikes near Erbil and Mosul.
ISIL, which controls parts of Syria, sent its fighters into neighboring Iraq in June and quickly seized large swaths of territory straddling the border between the two countries.
On Thursday, US counterterrorism officials told reporters that new strategies are urgently needed to counter the surging ISIL threat.
“We’re seeing an expansion of its external terrorist ambitions,” one US counterterrorism official said. “As its capabilities grow, it has attracted thousands of foreign extremists — some of whom are going home to start cells. As it carves out territory [in Iraq], it wants to go beyond that and do attacks outside.”
In an interview with Press TV on Saturday, American antiwar activist Rick Rozoff said that US counterterrorism officials’ claim is a “dishonest and disingenuous ploy” to justify the military intervention in Iraq.
“This is a sleight of hand on the part of the White House in the first place that has been used over the past decades to justify the US military intervention/the US aggression,” Rozoff said.
- “Al Qaeda is a creation of the US intelligence apparatus! It is extremely well documented ! Many of the terrorist attacks are in fact orchestrated by the US intelligence and military!”– Michel Chossudovsky P2, 7:40 onwards
– - ‘Al-Qaeda, which means “the (CIA) database,” was created by the CIA with help from its Saudi and Pakistani stooges. Its original purpose was to fight the Russians in Afghanistan on behalf of the US. Since then, it has continued to harass the Russians while smuggling drugs for the CIA.’ – Dr. Kevin Barrett
- “The ultimate goal that these people have in mind … is the goal to create a One World Government run by the banking industry .. run by the bankers! … The whole agenda is to create a One World Government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted !”
– Aaron Russo 0:15 onwards
“He’s (Rockefeller) the one who told me 11 months before 9/11 ever happen, there was going to be an event. .. And out of that event we will invade Afghanistan, (for) the pipelines to the Caspian sea. We were going to invade Iraq .. to take over the oil fields, establish a base in the Middle East and make it all a part of the New World Order! And we will go after Chavez Venezuela. Sure enough 9/11 happened ! … And there was going to be this War on Terror which has no real enemy. And the whole thing is a giant HOAX! … This whole War on Terror is a FRAUD! ”
– Aaron Russo 2:30 onwards