Tens of Thousands March Through London to Protest Gaza Genocide: The BBC is Silent…
- Tens of thousands march through London: The BBC is silent…
by http://respectparty.org/
Crowds of tens of thousands gathered in Central London today to protest at the on-going military actions of Israel in the Gaza Strip. Estimates range from 50,000 to 100,000, making this one of the largest demonstrations in recent years in Britain.
Not that you’d know it had even taken place if you relied on the BBC – that’s the British Broadcasting Corporation, I remind you. Despite the fact that this demonstration to highlight the war crimes currently being perpetrated against Palestinian men, women and children in the Gaza Strip brought central London to a virtual standstill all day, the BBC have instead decided that reporting on a small outbreak of food poisoning at Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games village is a more important story than the mobilisation in London.
We have come to expect this kind of censorship from the BBC, but it doesn’t make it any less shocking. This institution used to be admired worldwide for its integrity and quality reporting. These days it has been reduced to an echo-chamber of the state’s prevailing orthodoxy with its Orwellian pro-Israeli bias.
That a news channel should have a certain perspective on news is inevitable, and of course not everyone will like a channel’s take on a particular issue. But the suppression of news on this scale is altogether unprecedented and warrants serious consideration. We could of course simply turn over to alternative news providers which are not at the mercy of the dead hand of government directing their editorial standpoint – after all, what do we expect when the main parties, including Labour, are led by self-avowed Zionists?
The reality is that many people already are seeking out such alternative channels of information, including social media. But this doesn’t really soften the blow. We pay for the BBC through the license fee, and they therefore have a fiduciary duty to represent a balanced and representative platform of news. Their refusal to even come close to reporting today’s demonstration properly is a serious failure of this.
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