Muslim Brotherhood that Met with Obama White House Calls for Islamic War Against Israel !
- The Muslim Brotherhood is not a religious organization. It is a creation of western Illuminist intelligence agencies: MI6 and CIA. The people at the top are Freemasons-Illuminists-Satanists. The lower rungs do not really know what is going on. It is a Masonic organization ie. it is part of the western Illuminati – Satanic! See also:
The CIA-MI6-Mossad Brotherhood Trick Egypt With Muslim Trojan Horse!
Al-Qaeda Vows to Rescue Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt !
– - The top echelons in control of Zionist ‘666’ Israel, the Satanic counterfeit are similarly, FreeMasons-Illuminists-Satanists. The Illuminist philosophy (ie. Synagogue of Satan philosophy) is to always own/control all sides in a conflict. What you are seeing is the execution of Albert Pike’s Satanic World War 3!
– - Muslim Brotherhood Org that Met with Obama WH Calls for Islamic War Against Israel!
by Jordan Schachtel, , 7 July 2014
The head of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), a Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated group, called upon fellow Islamists and Arabs to declare holy war against Israel “for the sake of Palestine.”
According to a translation provided by the Center for Security Policy:
Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghi – the Secretary General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars – called on the Islamic and Arab peoples to rise up in all parts of the world for the sake of Palestine and Jerusalem since it is the central issue of the nation, and therefore pressure must be placed on the governments and institutions to carry out their duty towards stopping the Zionist terrorism that is occurring in the land of Palestine, stressing that the peoples are more powerful than they imagine and that they are capable of making the difference if they were to act to support the Umma’s just causes.
Al-Qaradaghi also declared that the Union stands with the popular outburst in Jerusalem and the West Bank, and condemns the crimes against the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, and cautions the Zionist settlers who are raping the land from targeting Palestinians, and the Umma will not idly refrain forever from aiding their brethren that are being murdered by Zionist hands, which also usurps their lands and money.
IUMS was founded by Egyptian cleric Yusuf Qaradawi, a Muslim Brotherhood leader described by National Review’s Andrew McCarthy as “The most influential Sunni Islamist in the world.”
In 2003, Qaradawi issued a fatwa (religious declaration) that called for the killing of US soldiers in Iraq. He wrote:
Those killed fighting the American forces are martyrs given their good intentions since they consider these invading troops an enemy within their territories but without their will… Although they are seen by some as being wrong, those defending against attempts to control Islamic countries have the intention of Jihad and bear a spirit of the defense of their homeland.
In June 2013, Bin Bayyah, the Vice President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, met with members of the White House National Security Council. According to Bayyah, it was not his organization but the Obama administration that had initially reached out and sought a meeting. “We asked for this meeting to learn from you, and we need to be looking for new mechanisms to communicate with you and the Association of Muslim Scholars,” Gayle Smith, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director of the National Security Council, reportedly said about IUMS.
read more!
– - The Masonic Origins of the Muslim Brotherhood (emphasis mine)
The Masonic origins of the Islamists movements, and their true goal to undermine Islam and fight for Western Zionist Powers such as Britain and the United States of America. The Muslim Brotherhood has acted as a clever technique to recruit agent-provocateurs for the Illuminati. The lowest ranks may sincerely believe they are defending Islam, and confronting “Western imperialism”. However, these various terrorist groups, through representing different factions, are part of a single network serving the same Illuminati cause.
When we explore the political and financial connections of the terrorists, we find that these are not merely wayward fanatics, operating in isolation, but that their channels penetrate to the upper reaches of power, in the British and American governments, and outward into the nether regions of the occult and criminal underworlds.
William Engdahl on Egypt’s uprising:
They are being organized in a Ukrainian-style high-tech electronic fashion with large internet-linked networks of youth tied to Mohammed ElBaradei and the banned and murky secret Muslim Brotherhood, whose links to British and American intelligence and freemasonry are widely reported.
Muslim Brotherhood created by British Intelligence
Dr. John Coleman, a former British Intelligence agent…states in his report on Iran’s Islamic Revolution that the Muslim Brotherhood was created by “the great names of British Middle East intelligence”…and that their mission was to “keep the Middle East backward so that its natural resource, oil, could continue to be looted…”
The Muslim Brotherhood is a London creation, forged as the standard-bearer of an ancient, anti-religious (pagan) heresy that has plagued Islam since the establishment of the Islamic community (umma) by the Prophet Mohammed in the seventh century. Representing organized Islamic fundamentalism, the organization called the Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Muslimum in Arabic) was officially founded in Egypt, in 1929, by the British agent Hasan al-Banna, a Sufi mystic. Today, the Muslim Brotherhood is the umbrella under which a host of fundamentalist Sufi, Sunni, and radical Shiite brotherhoods and societies flourish.
The Muslim Brotherhood is a tool by the British-based Globalists whose main objective is to overthrow the established world order and create a new one-world system of global governance. Without the British, “radical Islam would have remained the illegitimate, repressive minority movement that it has always been, and the Middle East would have remained stable and prosperous.”
The real Muslim Brothers are…the secretive bankers and financiers who stand behind the curtain, the members of the old Arab, Turkish, or Persian families whose genealogy places them in the oligarchic elite, with smooth business and intelligence associations to the European black nobility and, especially, to the British oligarchy.
By fabricating a bogus war between Islamic fundamentalism and the West, the globalists are able to attack their real enemy, humanity. Pulling the strings, they will ensure that both Western and Muslim states are degraded and finally completely subjugated to their odious rule.
- Texe Marrs:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated (see the Israeli publication Shishi, Spring 1994) that he was initiated into the Masonic Lodge while in the United States. The La Republica newspaper stated that Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin was active in Masonry and estimated there are 4,000 Israeli Freemasons, divided into 76 lodges. Most Israeli judges and religious figures are Masons. Rothschild-supported Hebrew University in Israel has erected an Egyptian obelisk, symbol of Freemasonry, in its courtyard, and inside the new Israeli Supreme Court building is a law library architecturally designed in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid.
Messianic Jew Jerry Golden:
In the United States you have the York and Scottish Rites but in France you have the Mizraim Lodge. It is from the Mizraim Lodge of Freemasonry that you will find the Illuminati. It is in fact, the heart and soul of the Synagogue of Satan. What is even more disturbing, you will find that every Mason in Israel, that includes most of the Politicians and Supreme Court Judges all are Freemasons from the Mizraim Lodge, the ones who wrote the Protocols of Zion, the enemies of the Jewish people. So those who have planned the destruction of Israel are now in control, in Israel.
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