Globalist Think Tank Calls for Pentagon Emphasis on War with China and Russia!
- Globalist Think Tank Calls for Pentagon Emphasis on War with China and Russia!
by Kurt Nimmo |
Preparation for conflict with Russia and China pairs up with recent U.S. rhetoric
A think tank connected to Zbigniew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), is calling for retooling the U.S. military in preparation of a “great power conflict” with “a newly aggressive Russia and rapidly modernizing China,” according to Homeland Security News Wire.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter’s former national security adviser and co-founder of the globalist Trilateral Commission with David Rockefeller, is a longtime adversary of the Soviet Union and now Russia. He has worked to revitalize the Cold War ethos by exploiting the conflict in Ukraine and warns about the threat of “Russian chauvinism” and the need for containment.
Under the pretext of responding to a federal budget sequestration, the CSIS study suggests the United States “maintain its full triad of bombers, submarines, and intercontinental ballistic missiles meant to deter or carry out nuclear warfare” as emphasis shifts from the Middle East to an ultimate confrontation with Russia and China.
“The trend lines in the relationships between the United States and its near-peer competitors, China and Russia, are worsening — cooperation and competition have been largely replaced with competition, which itself is migrating toward conflict,” the authors of the study argue. “We believe that a 2021 affordable military that is focused on the growing conflict with China and Russia is the ‘least bad’ option for this punishing fiscal context of fewer and weaker defense dollars.”
The study does not characterize the proposed move as confrontational, but rather as buttressing the Pentagon’s “traditional ‘peace-through-strength’ strategy for deterring, containing, and influencing its Cold War adversary.”
CSIS has functioned as a Cold War think tank since its formation in 1962. A product of the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown University, the think tank has made an industry out of discovering “communist influence” around the world. It has specialized in producing generations of “Cold Warriors” for positions in government.
The call for preparing for a conflict with Russia and China pairs up with recent U.S. government rhetoric. Following a U.S. State Department supported coup in Ukraine, the U.S. has taken an increasingly strident stance on Russia. Meanwhile, as China asserts sovereignty in the South China Sea and confronts Japan on territorial issues, the relationship between China and the United States has experienced its worst decline in decades.
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