Weather Modification Service Using Electromagnetic Beams Provided by Aquiess,Inc. SD! HAARP Weather Modification Technology 100% Proven!
- “This is how we broke the drought in Australia in 2005! This is how we put out the fires in Victoria from Black Saturday in 2009. This is how we delivered rain in the desert in Saudi Arabia in 2007. It snowed for the first time in history in 2004 in United Arab Emirates!” – Quote from 1:28 onwards
– - It appears I am 100% correct on weather modification using electromagnetic beams (ie. HAARP, Tesla EM longitudinal wave technology). So, time for all of us to grow up and stop being so naïve and gullible! Here is my question: What is all the Man-Made Global Warming psyop about when weather modification technology is already in operation, provided as a service and can solve it? Ie. Man-Made global warming is a nonsensical psyop so why are the snakes persisting with the massive PSYOP? IMO: an astronomical object is approaching, a brown dwarf star system, Planet X-Nibiru is approaching our sun and will cause massive climate and tidal effects on planet earth. The serpents want to use Man-Made global warming to explain away (falsely) all the coming disasters!
– - Could it be that someone is employing these weapons against the sheeple? See:
Balkan Flood: 3 Months Worth of Rain in 3 Days; Thousands Flee, 25 Die (+Video, Photo Gallery)
– - AQUIESS INTERNATIONAL INC: Electromagnetic Rainmaking Technology!
Hi-Tech Rainmaking Technology by Aquiess Inc. (PDF)
Kenya, 11/10/2011: In one segment, KTNK’s Dennis Okari interviews Aquiess CEO David Miles and Director of International Planning and Communication, Dr Mahendra Shah. Prior to the KTN interview Aquiess had demonstrated their capability by bringing early rainfall into the drought-declared region at the Horn Of Africa. The project to “Break the Drought” was announced in Rome on August 18th 2011.
In this statement Dr Shah says:
“We, today undertake to deliver gentle rain within the next 45 days to break and end the drought and in particular extend the coming short rainy season.”
Early rains came in and subsequent anomalous rainfall to deliver better than expected results. The rainy season was also extended beyond the normal period.
Aquiess System not typical “cloud-seeding” with silver iodide:
The Aquiess system can change the course of oceanic atmospheric rivers (AR) by coordinating applied resonance with satellite meteorology. The electromagnetic resonance of each station is adjusted to “hack” the atmospheric conditions to provide a path of least resistance to allow the AR flow to reach the targeted are of drought or wildfires. Since more than 90% of rain falls over the ocean, the consequences of steering a tiny amount of this precipitation over land should have little impact.
Unique Aquiess Electromagnetic Rainmaking Technology
In the KTN Kenya interview, David Miles discusses 3 types of weather modification unrelated to the Aquiess technology:
1. Cloud Seeding with silver iodide
2. Ionization of the atmosphere
3. Manipulation of the ionosphere
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